#SnippetSunday “I stepped right into the ageism trap, didn’t I?” #freeread #Sundayblog #mustread

Happy Sunday. I’m continuing with my WIP, another Alinta Bay story.
Jonah and Maddie are still stuck in the lift.
Enjoy ♥

“Are you here for the reunion?”
She nodded.
“Attending as well?”
She shot him a humorous glare. “Do I look like I’m thirty years old?”
Jonah let out a bark of laughter. “I stepped right into the ageism trap, didn’t I?” And on another chuckle he added, “I honestly have no idea how a beautiful thirty year old woman looks like, but in all fairness I did want to add, you looked too young to be part of the reunion.”
With a giggle she responded instantly. “Liar.”
“A fine specimen of a liar, though, right?”
Blush crept up her cheeks and amusement tugged at his lips. He studied her face, studied her beautiful green eyes looking at him, the few freckles on her nose telling him he didn’t wear any or very little make up, and her light pink lips which still held a smile.
“Okay, we’ve established you’re too young to attend the reunion. Honestly I’m too scared to ask in case I overstep another –ism along the way.”
She gave him a gentle slap on his chest. “I’m helping Dad’s friend. She’s overseeing all the arrangements.”

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