#MFRWHooks for **NEW BEGINNINGS** 15/02/2017 #bookpromo #amreading #MFRWOrg

I hope you get hooked by this Snippet

Today’s hook

She shook her head without looking at him. It was increasingly apparent to her that either there had been no details on them in the file, or he had been too busy to read it as well.
“You’re Mia’s guardian?”
“Yes,” she replied and gently placed a kiss on her sister’s forehead.
He nodded, and by the way he stared ahead, Sophie knew he was pondering her answers.
“I’m Mark.”
“Pardon me?”
Through the mirror, she saw his eyes focussed on them. “My name is Mark. Nobody actually calls me Mr. O’Connor. It feels like my dad is around when I hear that term.”
A smile twitched at the corner of Sophie’s mouth, but she remained silent.
“Ever been to Hobart before?”
She shook her head.
Mark concentrated on the traffic again. He did a couple of turns, and Sophie’s excitement grew stronger. Deep inside she hoped for the house to be close by. It was a beautiful area. So much green around. So many beautiful and colourful gardens.
With a pounding heart, she was glued to the window, her palms moist with sweat.
And then he stopped in front of number sixty-four.

The chance to start life all over with the help of a stranger.Twenty-two-year-old

Sophie Levesque has been guardian to her eight-year-old sister Mia since their mother’s death a few years ago, and it hasn’t been easy. Luck comes their way when they inherit a small house in Hobart. Problem is, though, they don’t know and have never heard of Clara Bellinger, the testator. Settling into their new life, Sophie is still afraid it’s all a mistake.

Mark O’Connor, attorney in Hobart and the bearer of the good news for Sophie and Mia, curses himself for the lack of information about the testator. However, researching the questions gives him an opportunity to see Sophie again, and the more time he spends with the two, the more he realises that his life is missing something. And it’s not his casual lover Linda.

But then there’s Zach, Sophie’s sexy neighbour from across the road… and a very good friend of Clara’s.

Will unravelling the mystery unravel Sophie and Mark’s promise of a future?

AMAZON US: http://amzn.to/2a1BSJ7
AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/29FTb4B
AMAZON AU: http://amzn.to/2a9yKgW

5star Review:

I’ve always enjoyed Ms. Blobel’s novels, but I adored New Beginnings. This is a
feel good story centered on love and hope, Sophie’s dedication to her younger sister, Mia, is incredible. The child is the center of her universe and there’s nothing she won’t do for her. Concerned the recent inheritance is all a mistake, Sophie wants to know more about the woman who gave them a home. Helping her is a drop-dead gorgeous attorney and the handsome, hunky neighbor. Sophie’s journey of discovery is a beautiful one, and when she gets her answers, she finds the last thing she ever thought she would–love. Looking forward to the next book in this excellent series.

Wow…what a tangled web we weave! Sophie has got it coming in all directions with the mystery of the testator. These are the type of stories that I love…since it has a bit of everything in it. Not only do we get a bit of a love triangle but add some mystery and thriller to it. Now, that makes a perfect book by Ms. Blobel! But let me remind you that this is nothing new since I find myself always wrapped up in this author’s writing since she writes with emotion and feelings. Whether it be anger, happiness, sadness – you name it…Ms. Blobel gives us the whole package in her stories!

#MFRWHooks for **NEW BEGINNINGS** 08/02/2017 #bookpromo #amreading #MFRWOrg

I hope you get hooked by this Snippet

Today’s hook

drive through Hobart was mostly quiet as Sophie and Mia took in the scenery. It was certainly a hilly place, and Mt. Wellington with its 1270 meters in height, seemed to overlook every little part of this waterfront capital. It was definitely a different atmosphere from Sydney. They drove along the busy streets and, considering how small the town was, the car ride seemed to last forever.

Mr. O’Connor cleared his throat. “So what are the suitcases all about?”

Taken by surprise by the sudden start of a conversation, Sophie looked up and gazed back at him through the mirror. She wondered how old he might be. Even though Mr. O’Connor was dressed up neatly in a grey suit with a matching tie, his tousled blond hair gave him a casual look. But then her gaze drifted down to Mia’s hand clasping hers and resting in the younger girl’s lap.

“Just making conversation,” he clarified with a shrug of his right shoulder as if he knew what she was thinking.

He checked the traffic as he moved into another lane, but their gaze met again in the mirror. His expression told her that he was still waiting for an answer.

“I’ve already told you. Considering what we’ve inherited, we brought along everything.”

There was this churning in her stomach, and she wasn’t sure what it was all about. It was hard to pinpoint. Anxiousness probably. At least a little. It was a strange city to her, and here she was in a stranger’s car, being driven to an unknown location.

And nervousness.

Yes, he most certainly made her nervous. At least a bit, because Sophie found him very attractive and his sudden need to talk surprised her.


The chance to start life all over with the help of a stranger.Twenty-two-year-old

Sophie Levesque has been guardian to her eight-year-old sister Mia since their mother’s death a few years ago, and it hasn’t been easy. Luck comes their way when they inherit a small house in Hobart. Problem is, though, they don’t know and have never heard of Clara Bellinger, the testator. Settling into their new life, Sophie is still afraid it’s all a mistake.

Mark O’Connor, attorney in Hobart and the bearer of the good news for Sophie and Mia, curses himself for the lack of information about the testator. However, researching the questions gives him an opportunity to see Sophie again, and the more time he spends with the two, the more he realises that his life is missing something. And it’s not his casual lover Linda.

But then there’s Zach, Sophie’s sexy neighbour from across the road… and a very good friend of Clara’s.

Will unravelling the mystery unravel Sophie and Mark’s promise of a future?

AMAZON US: http://amzn.to/2a1BSJ7
AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/29FTb4B
AMAZON AU: http://amzn.to/2a9yKgW

5star Review:

I’ve always enjoyed Ms. Blobel’s novels, but I adored New Beginnings. This is a
feel good story centered on love and hope, Sophie’s dedication to her younger sister, Mia, is incredible. The child is the center of her universe and there’s nothing she won’t do for her. Concerned the recent inheritance is all a mistake, Sophie wants to know more about the woman who gave them a home. Helping her is a drop-dead gorgeous attorney and the handsome, hunky neighbor. Sophie’s journey of discovery is a beautiful one, and when she gets her answers, she finds the last thing she ever thought she would–love. Looking forward to the next book in this excellent series.

Wow…what a tangled web we weave! Sophie has got it coming in all directions with the mystery of the testator. These are the type of stories that I love…since it has a bit of everything in it. Not only do we get a bit of a love triangle but add some mystery and thriller to it. Now, that makes a perfect book by Ms. Blobel! But let me remind you that this is nothing new since I find myself always wrapped up in this author’s writing since she writes with emotion and feelings. Whether it be anger, happiness, sadness – you name it…Ms. Blobel gives us the whole package in her stories!

Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 05/02/2017 #romance #love #SnippetSunday #SundayBlogShare



This is Tiffany’s story, who receives a call from the police one morning forcing her to deal with a chapter from her past, which she is unhappy to revisit. When she calls her friend Dylan, it’s Mat from New Zealand she ends up talking to.

This is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂


Tiffany went into the kitchen for a drink and as she filled and switched on the kettle, her mind went back to the conversation with Dylan’s friend Mat. She’d enjoyed the brief, although bizarre, conversation. His voice had been so happy and full of energy, it had taken her mind off her problem within only a few minutes. Something she hadn’t been able to achieve with the bath she’d taken later that morning. The whole hysteria from the previous year had crept up, leaving her anxious, tense, and with a headache. A nice cup of tea would hopefully do the trick. She thought of Mat’s laugh and her mouth curled in response. It’d been a deep hearty laugh. One of those laughs that could be contagious to anyone who heard it. Closing her eyes, she tried to remember whether Dylan had ever mentioned Mat’s name, but as much as she tried, she wasn’t able to recall ever hearing about a friend from New Zealand.

The whistling of the kettle drew her back from her thoughts, and she poured the water into her cup. Dipping the teabag in and out of the water, she recalled her conversation with Dylan.

“What’s up Tiff? I’ve got about three missed calls here.”

Relief rushed through her like a tidal wave, almost catching her breath. After all, most of her problems were half as bad once Dylan was there to help. Despite being Liam, her brother’s best friend, Dylan and Tiffany had become close during the year Liam had gone to London for a gap year.

“Why haven’t you ever told me about Mat?” Stunned by her own question, she slapped her forehead a couple of times wondering where the question had come from— especially as matters more important were on hand.

There was a quiet chuckle on the other end of the line and a bout of embarrassment rushed through her.


Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday  Facebook site for other writers.

AMAZON US: http://amzn.to/2dpOWwU
AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/2dHV13g
AMAZON AU: http://amzn.to/2dPuJQI

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#MFRWHooks for **NEW BEGINNINGS** 18/01/2017 #bookpromo #amreading #MFRWOrg

I hope you get hooked by this Snippet

Today’s hook

Did he say he’d had one extraordinary week? Annoyance crept in. His remark irked her to the very core. Holding Mia even closer to her side, she lifted her finger and pointed at him. “No offence, Mr. O’Connor, but it has been quite a week for us as well, and I was prepared to answer all your questions. I have one simple question, and you don’t know the answer. Wouldn’t there be something in the file?”

Sophie considered herself a kind person. Kindness could’ve been her middle name, but she met his surprised frown dead-on.

He seemed taken aback by her words. “No offence taken.” And then he let out a deep breath. “You’re right. I apologise. As I said, I’ll find out details and let you know.”

“Thank you, Mr. O’Connor,” she replied and then blew out a breath.

Tugging on Sophie’s shirt, Mia asked, “What about our stuff?”

Sophie shifted and looked down at her sister, but before she had a chance to say anything, Mr. O’Connor beat her to it.

“What stuff?” he asked as he opened the door.

“Considering what we inherited here, we brought all our things,” Sophie explained without looking at him.

Mr. O’Connor stopped in his tracks. “All, as in all your clothes?”

The underlying opinion in his words didn’t go past her. They were actually hurtful. Yet, it’d been like it most of her life. People judged her on what they saw. In Sophie’s case, it was a little girl about fifteen years her junior by her side. They were dressed well, but nearly everything was second hand. Sometimes people’s preconception hurt, but often she was able to take it in her stride.

The chance to start life all over with the help of a stranger.Twenty-two-year-old

Sophie Levesque has been guardian to her eight-year-old sister Mia since their mother’s death a few years ago, and it hasn’t been easy. Luck comes their way when they inherit a small house in Hobart. Problem is, though, they don’t know and have never heard of Clara Bellinger, the testator. Settling into their new life, Sophie is still afraid it’s all a mistake.

Mark O’Connor, attorney in Hobart and the bearer of the good news for Sophie and Mia, curses himself for the lack of information about the testator. However, researching the questions gives him an opportunity to see Sophie again, and the more time he spends with the two, the more he realises that his life is missing something. And it’s not his casual lover Linda.

But then there’s Zach, Sophie’s sexy neighbour from across the road… and a very good friend of Clara’s.

Will unravelling the mystery unravel Sophie and Mark’s promise of a future?

AMAZON US: http://amzn.to/2a1BSJ7
AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/29FTb4B
AMAZON AU: http://amzn.to/2a9yKgW

5star Review:

I’ve always enjoyed Ms. Blobel’s novels, but I adored New Beginnings. This is a
feel good story centered on love and hope, Sophie’s dedication to her younger sister, Mia, is incredible. The child is the center of her universe and there’s nothing she won’t do for her. Concerned the recent inheritance is all a mistake, Sophie wants to know more about the woman who gave them a home. Helping her is a drop-dead gorgeous attorney and the handsome, hunky neighbor. Sophie’s journey of discovery is a beautiful one, and when she gets her answers, she finds the last thing she ever thought she would–love. Looking forward to the next book in this excellent series.

Wow…what a tangled web we weave! Sophie has got it coming in all directions with the mystery of the testator. These are the type of stories that I love…since it has a bit of everything in it. Not only do we get a bit of a love triangle but add some mystery and thriller to it. Now, that makes a perfect book by Ms. Blobel! But let me remind you that this is nothing new since I find myself always wrapped up in this author’s writing since she writes with emotion and feelings. Whether it be anger, happiness, sadness – you name it…Ms. Blobel gives us the whole package in her stories!

#MFRWHooks for **NEW BEGINNINGS** 11/01/2017 #bookpromo #amreading #MFRWOrg

I hope you get hooked by this Snippet

Today’s hook

He stood with one swift movement and went to a little cupboard near the window to retrieve a bunch of keys. “Would you like me to take you there?”

Still feeling a rush of excitement as well as caution within her, Sophie took Mia’s hand and inclined her head when she asked, “Is it far?”

Her voice sounded tired even to her. It had been a long day already. She stood and placed her arm around Mia assuming that, considering how tired she was, her little sister was most likely exhausted.

“No, not at all. Five to ten minute drive, I’d say,” the attorney replied.

“I still don’t understand. Why us?” Sophie asked quietly, meeting his gaze and, for the first time, actually taking in his icy blue eyes. He was very attractive, with a face tanned by wind and sun, and there always seemed to be a hint of a smile on his lips.

Her gaze fixed back on his mouth. Blushing, she quickly looked away.

He turned to them, raking a hand through his short, curling blond hair. “Ma’am, what I know is that both of you are in the will. What I know is that I was supposed to fly you down here to officially read you the will. What I know is that I’m supposed to hand over the keys to you, and to let you know that your expenses are covered for the next twenty-four months. I did not know Ms. Bellinger, as one of the retired partners wrote up the will. I do not know who she was or in what way she was connected to you. I assumed she was a distant relative of yours.”

Sophie took her sister’s hand as she thought about his last comment. She wasn’t aware of any distant relatives. Dead or alive. Her mother would have at least mentioned her once. Letting out a soft sigh, she made a mental note to table the question for a later moment with the resolve to find out the answers. And soon.

“Okay, let’s go then.”

He pinched his nose with his thumb and index finger and took a deep breath. “Look, Miss Lever—”

“Levesque,” Sophie helped him again, this time somewhat more firmly.

Running his thumb over his eyebrow, he stepped closer, but not so close as to be intimidating. “I’m sorry. It’s been one extraordinary week,” he said with his voice just above a whisper. “Once I get back I’ll check with the partners here to see whether anybody knows more about it.”


The chance to start life all over with the help of a stranger.Twenty-two-year-old

Sophie Levesque has been guardian to her eight-year-old sister Mia since their mother’s death a few years ago, and it hasn’t been easy. Luck comes their way when they inherit a small house in Hobart. Problem is, though, they don’t know and have never heard of Clara Bellinger, the testator. Settling into their new life, Sophie is still afraid it’s all a mistake.

Mark O’Connor, attorney in Hobart and the bearer of the good news for Sophie and Mia, curses himself for the lack of information about the testator. However, researching the questions gives him an opportunity to see Sophie again, and the more time he spends with the two, the more he realises that his life is missing something. And it’s not his casual lover Linda.

But then there’s Zach, Sophie’s sexy neighbour from across the road… and a very good friend of Clara’s.

Will unravelling the mystery unravel Sophie and Mark’s promise of a future?

AMAZON US: http://amzn.to/2a1BSJ7
AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/29FTb4B
AMAZON AU: http://amzn.to/2a9yKgW

5star Review:

I’ve always enjoyed Ms. Blobel’s novels, but I adored New Beginnings. This is a
feel good storycentered on love and hope, Sophie’s dedication to her younger sister, Mia, is incredible. The child is the center of her universe and there’s nothing she won’t do for her. Concerned the recent inheritance is all a mistake, Sophie wants to know more about the woman who gave them a home. Helping her is a drop-dead gorgeous attorney and the handsome, hunky neighbor. Sophie’s journey of discovery is a beautiful one, and when she gets her answers, she finds the last thing she ever thought she would–love. Looking forward to the next book in this excellent series.

Wow…what a tangled web we weave! Sophie has got it coming in all directions with the mystery of the testator. These are the type of stories that I love…since it has a bit of everything in it. Not only do we get a bit of a love triangle but add some mystery and thriller to it. Now, that makes a perfect book by Ms. Blobel! But let me remind you that this is nothing new since I find myself always wrapped up in this author’s writing since she writes with emotion and feelings. Whether it be anger, happiness, sadness – you name it…Ms. Blobel gives us the whole package in her stories!

#MFRWHooks for **NEW BEGINNINGS** 07/12/2016 #bookpromo #amreading #MFRWOrg

I hope you get hooked by this Snippet

Today’s hook

He rubbed his chin with his fingers, his unease now obvious, and although she almost felt sorry for him, she tried not to care. She needed to know more. And not just the what, but why and who as well.
Only a week earlier, Sophie had received the call from Mr. O’Connor telling her about an inheritance. Initially, she’d thought it had been a horrible joke when he’d given her details on where to pick up airplane tickets to Hobart. It was important for her to come, he’d explained. Some legality she hadn’t understood. Something about her having to sign documents for the transfer of ownership of some assets. It’d sounded too farfetched at the start, but after some research on the firm with the help of a friend, it sounded valid, and she’d hoped her life was finally turning around for the better.

The chance to start life all over with the help of a stranger.Twenty-two-year-old

Sophie Levesque has been guardian to her eight-year-old sister Mia since their mother’s death a few years ago, and it hasn’t been easy. Luck comes their way when they inherit a small house in Hobart. Problem is, though, they don’t know and have never heard of Clara Bellinger, the testator. Settling into their new life, Sophie is still afraid it’s all a mistake.

Mark O’Connor, attorney in Hobart and the bearer of the good news for Sophie and Mia, curses himself for the lack of information about the testator. However, researching the questions gives him an opportunity to see Sophie again, and the more time he spends with the two, the more he realises that his life is missing something. And it’s not his casual lover Linda.

But then there’s Zach, Sophie’s sexy neighbour from across the road… and a very good friend of Clara’s.

Will unravelling the mystery unravel Sophie and Mark’s promise of a future?

AMAZON US: http://amzn.to/2a1BSJ7
AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/29FTb4B
AMAZON AU: http://amzn.to/2a9yKgW

5star Review:

I’ve always enjoyed Ms. Blobel’s novels, but I adored New Beginnings. This is a
feel good storycentered on love and hope, Sophie’s dedication to her younger sister, Mia, is incredible. The child is the center of her universe and there’s nothing she won’t do for her. Concerned the recent inheritance is all a mistake, Sophie wants to know more about the woman who gave them a home. Helping her is a drop-dead gorgeous attorney and the handsome, hunky neighbor. Sophie’s journey of discovery is a beautiful one, and when she gets her answers, she finds the last thing she ever thought she would–love. Looking forward to the next book in this excellent series.

Wow…what a tangled web we weave! Sophie has got it coming in all directions with the mystery of the testator. These are the type of stories that I love…since it has a bit of everything in it. Not only do we get a bit of a love triangle but add some mystery and thriller to it. Now, that makes a perfect book by Ms. Blobel! But let me remind you that this is nothing new since I find myself always wrapped up in this author’s writing since she writes with emotion and feelings. Whether it be anger, happiness, sadness – you name it…Ms. Blobel gives us the whole package in her stories!

#MFRWHooks for **NEW BEGINNINGS** 07/09/2016 #bookpromo #amreading #Review

I hope you get hooked by this Snippet

Today’s hook

Hauled back from her thoughts, she heard Mr. O’Connor say, “I believe she was a distant relative of yours. I’m afraid I don’t have any further details.”
Sophie arched an eyebrow in disbelief, doubting the accuracy of it all. Not only did she try not to question his competence as a lawyer, but she also hoped it wasn’t a dreadful misunderstanding.
With a slight shrug of her shoulder, she asked, “Why not?”
He met her gaze steadily. “Pardon me?”
Sitting up straight, she repeated, “Why not? Why aren’t there any further details?”

The chance to start life all over with the help of a stranger.Twenty-two-year-old

Sophie Levesque has been guardian to her eight-year-old sister Mia since their mother’s death a few years ago, and it hasn’t been easy. Luck comes their way when they inherit a small house in Hobart. Problem is, though, they don’t know and have never heard of Clara Bellinger, the testator. Settling into their new life, Sophie is still afraid it’s all a mistake.

Mark O’Connor, attorney in Hobart and the bearer of the good news for Sophie and Mia, curses himself for the lack of information about the testator. However, researching the questions gives him an opportunity to see Sophie again, and the more time he spends with the two, the more he realises that his life is missing something. And it’s not his casual lover Linda.

But then there’s Zach, Sophie’s sexy neighbour from across the road… and a very good friend of Clara’s.

Will unravelling the mystery unravel Sophie and Mark’s promise of a future?

AMAZON US: http://amzn.to/2a1BSJ7
AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/29FTb4B
AMAZON AU: http://amzn.to/2a9yKgW

5star Review:

I’ve always enjoyed Ms. Blobel’s novels, but I adored New Beginnings. This is a
feel good storycentered on love and hope, Sophie’s dedication to her younger sister, Mia, is incredible. The child is the center of her universe and there’s nothing she won’t do for her. Concerned the recent inheritance is all a mistake, Sophie wants to know more about the woman who gave them a home. Helping her is a drop-dead gorgeous attorney and the handsome, hunky neighbor. Sophie’s journey of discovery is a beautiful one, and when she gets her answers, she finds the last thing she ever thought she would–love. Looking forward to the next book in this excellent series.

Wow…what a tangled web we weave! Sophie has got it coming in all directions with the mystery of the testator. These are the type of stories that I love…since it has a bit of everything in it. Not only do we get a bit of a love triangle but add some mystery and thriller to it. Now, that makes a perfect book by Ms. Blobel! But let me remind you that this is nothing new since I find myself always wrapped up in this author’s writing since she writes with emotion and feelings. Whether it be anger, happiness, sadness – you name it…Ms. Blobel gives us the whole package in her stories!