#BlogTour “Legacy Lost” by @jilliandavid13 ~~ @StarAnge13 #legacylosttour

Title: Legacy Lost
Series: Hell’s Valley #2

By: Jillian David
Publication Date: March 27, 2017
Publisher: Crimson Romance
Genre: Western Paranormal Romance

Growing up as an honorary Taggart, Eric Patterson found the family he’d always wanted. Almost. He couldn’t ever manage to see the clan’s youngest and only daughter, stubborn spitfire Shelby, quite like a little sister. Suddenly, his long-suppressed feelings are determined to come to light.

Too bad Shelby’s cursed. Her double whammy psychic powers to read emotions and locate anyone anywhere have always made relationships impossible—and now they’ve begun to endanger her life. If she uses her echolocation skills again, it just might kill her.

But when a malevolent supernatural force invades the valley, threatening the Taggarts and their neighbors, the Brands, Eric and Shelby must contend with both their blossoming feelings and the increasing danger. Does Shelby dare risk using her powers one more time, sacrificing her own life to save Eric?

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“Here’s the deal, Shel. If you’re ever with me, you have to open up to me. Completely.”

“Completely?” she whispered.

Dipping his lips to her ears, his voice vibrated every bone of her body. “Every. Whimper.” He traced the shell of her ear with his tongue, and her heart stopped. “Every time you squirm, wanting more. And I want to bring you more. Create your pleasure. Become your pleasure. Be responsible for making you scream my name. I want you to be mine. I don’t want to have just something. I want you. Body. Mind. All of it. Or nothing.”

Jillian David lives near the end of the Earth with her nut of a husband and two bossy cats. To escape the sometimes-stressful world of the rural physician, she writes while on call and in her free time. She enjoys taking realistic settings and adding a twist of “what if.” Running or hiking on local trails often promotes plot development.
Social Media Links
Twitter – @jilliandavid13

He’s the guy every girl wants to date “Dating the It Guy” by @KrystenLindsay Hager #newrelease

Dating the It Guy
Krysten Lindsay Hager
YA contemporary romance
Published by Clean Reads
Emme is a sophomore in high school who starts dating, Brendon Agretti, the popular senior who happens to be a senator’s son and well-known for his good looks. Emme feels out of her comfort zone in Brendon’s
world and it doesn’t help that his picture perfect ex, Lauren seems determined to get back into his life along with every other girl who wants to be the future Mrs. Agretti. Emme is already conflicted due to the fact her last boyfriend cheated on her and her whole world is off kilter with her family issues. Life suddenly seems easier keeping Brendon away and relying on her crystals and horoscopes to guide her. Emme soon starts to realize she needs to focus less on the stars and more on her senses. Can Emme get over her insecurities and make her relationship work? Life sure is complicated when you’re dating the it guy.
Short Excerpt:
“By the way, did you hear Lauren got into Senator Agretti’s old school?”
“Seriously? I wonder if she applied there because Brendon did,” I said.
Margaux snorted. “Duh, of course. Seriously, she might as well just pee on him to mark her territory.”
“Margaux, shut up,” Kylie said.
“Whatever. Anyway, the important thing is if Brendon knew she was applying there,” Margaux said. “Em, do you think he knew?”
I hoped Lauren was just trying to follow Brendon, but what if they had planned this whole thing while they were dating? What if he convinced her to apply there so they could go to college together, wear matching American flag sweaters with big scarves while drinking hot chocolate,
and jump into leaf piles just like a preppy clothing catalog. At least now I
didn’t have to worry about them reciting poetry to one another in South Bend, but still, what if they had made plans to go to school together?
“Don’t worry about it,” Kylie said. “She was probably trying to follow him—like she always does. She’s so pathetic.”
Kylie was trying to make me feel better, but Lauren was far from pathetic. After all, she was pretty much the “Most Likely to Succeed” poster girl. While she was out overachieving and saving the world without messing up her perfect, bouncy hair, I was trying to get through each day. I tried to push away the image of Lauren and Brendon holding hands and drinking
hot chocolate under a stadium blanket.
Follow Krysten

Besides mining her teen years and humiliating moments for her novels, Krysten is a also a book addict who has never met a bookstore she didn’t like. She’s worked as a journalist and writes young adult, middle grade, new adult, and adult fiction as well as humor essays. She is originally from Michigan and has lived in Portugal, South Dakota, and currently resides in southwestern Ohio where you can find her reading and writing when she’s not catching up on her favorite shows (she’s addicted to American Dad to the point where she quotes episodes on a daily basis and also loves Girl Meets World). She’s also a third generation Detroit Lions fan.
Krysten writes about friendship, self-esteem, fitting in, frenemies, crushes, fame, first loves, and values. She is the author of True Colors, Best Friends…Forever?, Next Door to a Star,  Landry in Like, and Competing with the Star (The Star Series: Book 2). Her debut novel, True Colors, won the Readers Favorite award for best preteen book. Krysten’s work has been featured in USA Today, The Flint Journal, the Grand Haven Tribune, the Beavercreek Current, the Bellbrook Times and on Living Dayton.
Praise for Dating the It Guy:
“A sweet, endearing story—you’ll fall in love with Emme just like I did!” –Kimber Leigh Wheaton, YA/NA author
“Hager’s authentic characters will resonate with readers of all ages as they are immersed in the story  – complete with teen drama and angst, but also the relationships which make it all worthwhile.” —  Leslie L. McKee, book reviewer, Edits and Reviews by Leslie
What people are saying about Krysten’s work:
From Teenage Book Recommendations in the UK: “This is a fantastically relatable and real book which I feel captures all of the insecurities and troubles which haunt the modern teenage girl. It is about a young model who has to go through tough times when she is torn between a life as a model and managing her friendships.
You learn which friends she can most trust and which will create the drama typical of teenage life. Follow the life of Landry and try to see if you can find out which are her true friends before their true colours are revealed. This book is all about relationships, hopes and truth. I loved this book!”
From Books & Authors Spot: “This book is such an inspiration for those who just care about their looks and are tensed about them. This thing is looks aren’t everything. This book is related to every teen’s problem. Hager has written a very inspiring novel.”
“Krysten captures the teenage girl today. The struggles are real, the issues are something children have been dealing with since before I was a teen, and oddly-Krysten captures the readers! I was prepared for another
“Mean Girls” story. This is NOT that. This is the real story of teenage girls! You watch Landry flower into a young woman who finds out trust
is an invaluable item to find, and friendships are hard to seek genuine realism in. You will learn about relationships with not just friends, but peers, boys, and others. The details put into the book will draw you, and make the story so much more realistic. Krysten expresses emotions beautifully through her writing, and the story flows flawlessly…” By
Candice J. Conway Simpson
 “Krysten Lindsay Hager understands what it means to be a teen today, and she writes with an authentic voice. Landry, the main character, is funny, lively, and very real. Readers will relate to her struggles with friends and family, self-esteem and self-discovery, boys and school and life in general. It’s fun to read about Landry’s blossoming modeling career and the changes it brings.” Review by Author Diana Jenkins

#NewRelease “Time & Circumstance” by @TheresaMilstein #giveaway #win #Amazongiftcard

 “The trunk of this family is lost to history
Photo fragments remain as shadows”


With subtle wit, and poignant imagery, the unrelenting passage of time connects the vignettes in Theresa Milstein’s Time and Circumstance. This reflective collection of real and imagined poetry and prose, speculates on an erratic childhood, the uncertainty of adolescence, and the reality of parenthood, through flashbacks of love lost and found.

“This everyday, why again, sometimes
ignored tune has measured time in notes,
seconds, minutes, days, years, and so it goes.
It’s a measure of the man he will become.”
Author Theresa Milstein writes middle grade and YA, but poetry is her secret passion. Her vignette collection, TIME & CIRCUMSTANCE, will be published by Vine Leaves Press in March 21, 2017. She lives near Boston Massachusetts with her husband, two children, a dog-like cat, and a cat-like dog. For her day job, she works as a special education teacher in a public school, which gives her ample opportunity to observe teens and tweens in their natural habitat.


Contact Theresa Milstein:
On my Website
On Twitter 
Facebook Author Page
On Goodreads 
On Instagram
“Theresa’s Tales”

TIME & CIRCUMSTANCE is available for preorder!

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Leave a comment and you’re eligible to win a prize during my blog tour!

1 $25 Amazon gift card
1 signed paperback copy
1 ebook

Answer the question:

“If you could relive any moment in time, what would it be?” 

Extra entries if you share on Facebook or Twitter and link it to me.

@TheresaMilstein on Twitter.
@Theresa Milstein on Facebook
#ReliveMoment or #TimeandCircumstance

 Winners will be announced on April 5, 2017







#NewRelease “A way back into love” by Veronica Thatcher #awaybackintolovetour @merderlover1 @StarAnge13

Title: A Way Back Into Love
Series: Love Series #1
By: Veronica Thatcher
Publication Date: February 15, 2017
Publisher: Notion Press
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Designer: Notion Press


Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes, uncertain. People, irrational. But love…well, that makes everything complicated. And when you are caught in a tangled web of secrets, lies, and complex affairs, someone is bound to get burned.

Emily Stevens is a spunky, spirited college girl whose life gets turned upside-down when she realizes she’s in love with her best friend of fifteen years, Derek Thorpe. As Emily prepares to confess her feelings to Derek, something happens one night which changes her life forever. Five years later, Emily finds herself in Boston, alone and heartbroken. Will she ever be able to forget the past? And what will she find when she returns home…to the man she left behind?

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Derek let out a frustrated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. “Em…I mean that…It’s just this person you have become. The Emily I used to know didn’t hit on random guys at the bar.”
Emily crossed her arms over her chest and gave Derek a glare. “Five years is a long time, Derek. Maybe I have changed,” she said, “And besides, why do you care so much?”
Derek glared back at her as he replied harshly, “Oh, so you have changed so much over the last five years that now you throw yourself at random men like a…” he trailed off, not finishing his sentence.
Emily’s mouth fell open and her eyes widened as she let Derek’s words set in. She couldn’t believe her own ears for a minute. Had Derek really accused her of being a slut? She couldn’t believe it – it all felt like a nightmare.
“What did you just say to me?” Emily whispered, her voice sounding foreign to her own ears. “What did you just say to me?” Emily asked in a louder voice this time.
Derek didn’t say a word as he continued to look at Emily coldly.
Emily took a step towards Derek and narrowed her eyes. Poking Derek’s chest with the index finger of her right hand, she said in a soft yet acerbic voice, “You don’t get to call me a whore. You’ve no right to judge me. Do you hear me? You’ve no fucking right to judge me.” The anger, the jealousy and the heartache combined with the alcohol she had consumed gave Emily a newly acquired courage. She felt more emboldened than she had felt in her entire life, and so, she didn’t hold back in letting out her pent-up exasperation. “You broke me,” Emily continued, her words slurring slightly, “You broke me, but I am all glued up together now. And I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don’t get to call me a whore.” Emily finished her diatribe, her breaths coming in short pants as a result of her outburst.
Derek looked into her eyes, the anger and bitterness in his eyes now replaced by confusion. “I broke you? What do you mean?” he asked in a bewildered voice, his eyebrows shooting up.
Emily stepped back from him and shook her head. “Oh, you know damn well what I mean. You know what, Derek? I’m done having this conversation with you. I’m so done with this conversation and I’m so done with you,” Emily spat out angrily before brushing past him.
“Emily, wait,” Derek said, catching her by her arm. “Where are you going?”
Emily spun around and gave him a bitter look before looking down at his hand gripping her arm. “Leave my arm,” she said in a low yet threatening voice, “And why do you care where I’m going? It’s none of your business.”
Derek didn’t leave her arm in spite of her warning and said, “Em, you’ve had too many drinks. You can’t drive in this condition. I’ll drop you home.”
Emily jerked her arm free from his grasp and replied in a bitter voice, “Thank you, but no. I’m perfectly capable of getting myself home on my own. I don’t need you to drop me home. Do you get it, Derek Thorpe? I DON’T NEED YOU!” Emily yelled the last words, causing a few people to look their way.
Veronica Thatcher is an exciting new contemporary romance author. Ever since she was very young, she’s dreamed of becoming a doctor when she grew up. While still forging ahead with that, majoring in pre-med in college, she unwittingly stumbled upon a new dream—becoming a published author. Some may call her an introvert or a wallflower, but she has always found she could express herself better in written, rather than spoken, words. However, never in her wildest dreams had she envisioned she would pursue writing as a prospective career, not just a hobby. Her love for writing goes hand-in-hand with her love for a good romance novel—whether it be a feel-good, sweet romance or a dark, suspenseful one. When she’s not studying, reading, or writing, she is usually found blasting her favourite songs, sometimes singing and dancing along to them. She dabbles in a number of activities, including painting, karate, singing and dancing. She is a huge chocoholic – probably the biggest – and she is an ice-cream junkie too. She considers herself technologically handicapped forever and has no shame in admitting that. She also deems chocolates her boyfriend, Patrick Dempsey the love of her life, and Friends her life!

Her first book, A Way Back Into Love, is slated for release in February 2017, and she hopes readers will enjoy it as much as she enjoyed writing it. You can reach Veronica through Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Wattpad and Gmail.

#BlogTour “Because of You” by Silvy Wells #becauseofyoutour @starange13 @booksaremy

 Title: Because of You
By: Silvy Wells
Publication Date: February 17, 2017
Genre: Romantic Comedy


Nicole Wellston realized that falling in love would bring her just pain. She was working in the biggest publishing company in New York and didn’t want anything but her job. With head into the books, she enjoyed in fictional characters more than the real ones.

Nicole had nothing to lose she already lost everything except her job.She worked hard and did her best to hide her loneliness, assuring her four supportive friends even herself that everything was perfect in her life. They knew that she needed love in her life or she would “kill” herself working, and they arranged her blind dates. According to Nicole, men who were chosen by her friends were a complete disaster. Nicole wanted to enjoy in the perfection of fictional characters instead of going on dates with those men.

One night Nicole went out with her friends and met Sebastian, a good looking psychoanalyst. His athletic body and dark green eyes would make her believe that everything was possible.

No matter how hard Nicole tried to find him a flaw, she could not, he was perfect.

After one beautiful and romantic weekend in Aspen Nicole and Sebastian were back in New York, happier and engaged, but Nicole read the article that one magazine published about her exposing her previous life with a shameful secret which wasn’t true and ran.

Did Sebastian love her enough to find her and bring her back?

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I forgot that Sebastian was there, and I was wearing just a bathrobe. He came close to me and took me in a hug to warm me than he said: “You are shaking go and wear something before you get cold. I am in the shower if you need me just whistle.”

“Oh, you are too funny” when he went I slapped him on his butt and then I realized that he wasn’t Jess or one of my girlfriends and I got red as a lobster.
“I will forgive you for this because you are shaking, but tomorrow is a pay day, watch yourself. “ He kissed me on my lips and went to the bathroom.
Oh, my Goodness! He was too sweet. I couldn’t think of anything else except him. I was rushing to put on my clothes before Sebastian came out of the bathroom. I was freezing, wearing my pajamas and one warm sweater then I took one more blanket, and I covered myself with it and covered with the under blanket. That was it; I felt warmer at that moment. I got my phone and texted Jess, she replied very quickly, but she said that she wouldn’t interrupt something. Then I called Robert my big brother to tell him that I arrived in Aspen, I saw them on Viber and saw my sweet little niece, Bisera.
My new winter book caught my eye, and I took it. When Sebastian went out of the bathroom wearing just boxer shorts, I was pretending that I didn’t see him, but I was blushing, and he knew it because he looked me with a smirk.
“Alice in the Winterland what are you doing?”
“Reading. Please, just a little bit.”
“I understand you, but you will read to me because you didn’t buy a book for me.”
“I will” and I started reading aloud.

Sebastian was wearing his pajamas and threw himself on the bed next to me, lying in my lap and hugged me with his hands. Having him too close was like heaven to me. After two chapters he was asleep, I turned off the lamp and tried to sleep, turned my back to him. He turned back at me and wrapped his arms around me.

Silvy Wells has always wanted to write. She discovered her passion for being a writer when she was at the age of fourteen when started to write a novel in her native language, but she has never finished it. After that, Silvy has always written something -a poem or a short story. She has published some of her poems in several editions along with different authors.

After obtaining a degree in the Department of Classics, Ancient Greek, and Latin, Silvy became a Latin language teacher and still teaches students in one small town in the Republic of Macedonia. But there has always been that big desire for writing which she has minimized with reading books and writing reviews. Because that wasn’t enough, she finally sat down and wrote her first novel Because of You.

#NewRelease “Desire, Deceit, and the Doctor” by @KryssieFortune

Oh It Is a Wonderful Thing,
To Be a Pirate King

Edward Teach, better known at Blackbeard, might not have been a pirate king, but he made grown men tremble without firing a shot. How?

Firstly, the hair. Some accounts say his beard came down to his waist. Jet black, and twisted with black ribbons it must have looked awesome. Before battle, he’d add hempen rope strands soaked in saltpetre to his beard. When the attack started, he’d ignite them.
Hemp rope is slow burning and it gives off clouds of smoke. Teach was a tall man with a booming voice. With nothing showing except his eyes and his hair, he must have looked like demon from hell.

Teach was neither a story book pirate nor a soft hearted one like the pirates in Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta Pirates of Penzance.  He disembowelled captives and fed their entails to the sharks. He cut fingers off prisoners too slow to hand over their rings. In one case, he cut off a captive’s ears and forced him to eat them. Yech!

When I was researching my Heroes’ of Westhopre Ridge Trilogy I realized Blackbeard died in the same state where I set my story – North Carolina. Also, the state has a replica of his ship, the frigate, The Queen Anne’s R evenge

I knew I had to bring pirates into my story.

My heroine, Mandy is a single mom with a ten-year-old son. I gave her a love of Gilbert and Sullivan, one she shares with her son, Ben. Next, the school had a trip to see the replica frigate. That was enough to spark Ben’s interest in pirates.

When Ben finally meets his father, Adam—a  retired army doctor who rejected Mandy because of another man’s lies—he’s looking out to sea trying to spot pirates. Fortunately, he spots the men trying to kill him and his mom instead.

After almost eleven years apart, can Mandy and Adam rekindle the love they once felt?



After Adam Montgomery walked away and left her pregnant, dare Mandy trust him with her heart again?


Twelve years ago, Mandy Devlin moved away from her friends and family–under threat. If she returned in the next ten years or told anyone who fathered her baby, her boyfriend’s great-aunt would bankrupt her family. She’s a single mom who dreams of her lost love and a good spanking. When she’s finally free to return to Westhorpe Ridge, the last person she expects to see is Adam—the man she loved and lost so long ago.

Dr. Adam Montgomery doesn’t know he has a son. Thanks to his great-aunt’s will, he has nine months to find a bride or he loses Montgomery Hall and the fifteen million dollars she left him. Although he seduces Mandy on his first night home, he still believes she betrayed him twelve years ago. No way would he marry a woman like her.

As Valentine’s Day looms, someone tries to kill Mandy. Is Adam trying to get rid of her? Or can Mandy trust him to protect them?


Buy links

Loose id         http://bit.ly/2kTGqp5
Kobo                http://bit.ly/2kH27b8
Amazon Uk     http://amzn.to/2lPNv9N
Amazon USA   http://amzn.to/2kJbtmK

Social Media – Kryssie loves to hear from her readers.

Facebook      –  https://www.facebook.com/KryssiesFortune
Twitter         –  https://twitter.com/KryssieFortune
Blog             –  http://kryssiefortune.blogspot.co.uk/
Website       –  http://kryssiefortune.wixsite.com/kryssie



#ReleaseBlitz “Bound” by C.M. Steele ~~ @Author_CMSteele @StarAnge13

 Title: Bound
Series: A Lamian Wars Series #1
By: C. M. Steele
Publication Date: February 17, 2017
Genre: Paranormal Romance

A tale tells of a baby girl being born from a vampire and his human bride. She would be the sign that all would never be the same again. The wars would come to a bloody end and they would rule in peace.Three hundred years of waiting for an answer to their problem had worn on the soul of Falcon Lombardi and that of his best friend Draco Romano. The pain and guilt of the past etched in their hollow hearts. Both men spent their lives working to make things right, however nothing had truly changed in all that time. Disillusioned and left empty, neither of them expected the end of the dark to come from a trip to the theater.
How could something so twenty-first century fix the woes of a seventeenth century curse?

C.M. Steele is a full time mom and author. She loves writing and doesn’t do much else except watch ID Discovery and take care of the kids (of course.)She has 30+ novellas under her belt and many more in her head.

Social Media Links
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8449520.C_M_Steele
Website – www.cmsteele.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/thelamianwars/
Twitter – @Author_CMSteele  

#BookBlitz “Autumn’s Dance” by Sarah Gai ~~~ @sarahgaicurvy @XpressoTours


Autumn’s Dance
Sarah Gai
Publication date: February 14th 2017
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
“A story that captures your heart and continues you thinking about it long after you fall asleep.”

Autumn Nash lives a nomadic existence with her harvest-travelling father, except every summer when they return to one place like clockwork…Ligonier, PA. But this season, Autumn meets a young man who changes her world and makes her long for more.

Eric Foster has been sent to stay the summer in Ligonier with his grandfather in hopes of altering his path as his life spirals downward. His direction changes the moment he sees Autumn; he knows his very reason for breathing is solely to be with her.

When Autumn is ripped away from Ligonier, she leaves Eric confused and devastated that their time is over. Both teens struggle through the years gone by withoutthe other. Will Autumn ever see the boy who changed her life again? Will Eric wait for her? Will Autumn ever make it back to Ligonier? And what will happen when buried secrets surface?

Discover a love that takes you back to what it’s all about—the confusing, yet simplistic, beginnings of falling in love and watch it evolve into something that takes your breath away.

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Request a review copy here!


Author Bio:

So this is me in short. I’m plus size and completely adorable (or so my husbands tells me) A momma of three princes who light my world. I drink way too much coffee, chocolate is a staple. I love to write after midnight and my love for short stories will never fade. With such a limited amount of time to enjoy quiet writing, I have mastered the skills of fitting a lot into a small amount of pages. Humour keeps me smiling and well.. if you’ve read my books you’ll know that I put a lot of myself into the characters. And to answer your questions. My best friends and I forgot the part about growing up and love every minute of it. Aside from writing I also run a publication IndieLove Magazine, promoting Indie Awesomes from a range of fields and professions. Check it out at www.indielovemagazine.com

In 2017 I will be saying goodbye to Chick lit for a while and heading into Contemporary Romance. I hate to be put in a box! Join my street team at www.sarahgai.com and come have some fun!

Love to all xo.

Wanting to write for all the women out there who want a good short read about strong friendships, romance and body positive, love the skin you’re in kind of fiction. Check out http://Facebook.com/sarahgaiauthor or www.sarahgai.com

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


“The Cowboy’s Triple Surprise” by Barbara White Daille – #NewRelease #book @BarbaraWDaille

The Cowboy's Triple Surprise
The Cowboy’s Triple Surprise

Iris – it’s always so nice to stop by for a visit with you and your readers! Thanks for helping me celebrate my newest release.


The Cowboy’s Triple Surprise
The Hitching Post Hotel series


The last time rodeo cowboy Tyler Buckham was in Cowboy Creek, he spent a steamy night with local beauty Shay O’Neill. Back in town for a quick visit, he’s hoping they’ll have another go-around before he heads for his next rodeo. But seeing Shay pregnant—with triplets!—leaves Tyler feeling as if his best horse has kicked him in the gut.

Shay swore she wouldn’t fall for an unreliable cowboy, and Tyler’s playboy past makes him even less likely to settle down. The whole town conspires to push them together, and Tyler insists he wants to do his duty by Shay and the triplets, but Shay knows she can’t count on promises from a cowboy. Besides, Tyler never once mentioned the word love…

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The Hitching Post’s dining room was crowded with Garland family members and hotel guests, yet the instant Tyler paused in the doorway, he spotted Shay.

She sat on the far side of the long center table reserved for the Garlands, half turned away from him as she talked with one of Jed’s granddaughters. He recognized the straight, wheat-blond hair that fell below her shoulders and felt like silk against his fingers. He knew when she looked his way he would see eyes one shade lighter than her green sweater. Her cheeks held a natural pink tint. Her lips curved in a soft smile.

Just looking at her from a distance made his pulse speed up and his jeans tighten.

She reached for a cloth napkin and unfolded it. As if she’d given a signal, the folks around him began heading toward the tables. The movement spurred him toward the vacant seat at her side before anyone else could grab it. As he slid onto the chair, she turned his way.

The smile stayed, but the light pink color drained from her cheeks. He saw her fingers clutch the napkin she had draped across her lap. And then he saw the rounded expanse of belly straining the knitted weave of her sweater.

She was extremely pregnant.

Thoughts of anticipated pleasure flew from his head. Words did, too, leaving him struggling for something to say.

Jed Garland had no such problem. “Shay, you remember Tyler, don’t you?”

She nodded.

“I thought you might.”

Tyler couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. He also couldn’t miss hearing the satisfaction in the older man’s voice. What had brought that on? And why had Jed mentioned Shay’s invitation to lunch but said nothing about her condition? Of course, Jed—and everyone else at the Hitching Post—probably thought he and Shay were just passing acquaintances.

He tried for a casual smile. The one she gave him looked about as sincere as his felt.

Obviously, she’d met someone else since they were together last summer. Or she’d already been involved with the man when they’d had their fling. Either way, she wouldn’t want him hanging around, maybe bringing up their brief relationship in some conversation. As if he would.

The boys at the ranch back in Texas always said he needed to have “Love ˋem and leave ˋem” tattooed across his chest. That didn’t mean he’d make a public announcement about a one-night stand. Shay couldn’t know that, but you would think she’d at least give him the benefit of the doubt.

About the Author

Barbara White DailleBarbara White Daille lives with her husband in the sunny Southwest. Though they love the warm winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions in the bathroom. Barbara also loves writing, reading, and chocolate. Come to think of it, she enjoys writing about those subjects, too!

Barbara wrote her first short story at the age of nine, then typed “The End” to her first novel many years later…in the eighth grade. Now she’s writing contemporary romance on a daily basis, with a brand-new series from Entangled Bliss (Snowflake Valley), an ongoing series from Harlequin Western Romance (The Hitching Post Hotel), and many more books on the schedule.

She would love to have you stop by her website and to look for her on Facebook and Twitter.

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My #Birthday #selfpromo for NEW BEGINNINGS …. and #promo for you ☺


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I received a really nice 4-star-review from THE ROMANCE REVIEWS for NEW BEGINNINGS … and … since it’s my birthday I thought I’m allowed to a little self promo and share the review.

Sophie Levesque has been raising her younger sister since their mother died a few years earlier. They lived in Sydney and always wondered where their next meal would come from. They slept in the same bed had to share a common bathroom where the water usage was monitored so they never truly felt at home. Then it happened. A complete stranger to them, Clara Bellinger leaves them a house in Hobart. This is a wonderful feel good read. It’s a story of hope and, as the title states, new beginnings. Sophie is a twenty-two-year old woman raising her younger sister Mia since she turned eighteen so she hasn’t gotten to experience the normal life that young adults experience at that age. She was always struggling to put food on the table for the both of them as well as keeping a roof over their heads. Then out of nowhere they are offered a miracle. A woman by the name of Clara Bellinger leaves them a house in Hobart. Where this would be a true gift to most, Sophie isn’t used to good things happening to her so she is cautious. She has questions. Who is Clara Bellinger? How are they related? She relies on Mark, the attorney who is handling the transaction and also receives answers from Zack a very handsome neighbor who knew Clara. This creates an interesting love triangle. Can Sophie find happiness and love for herself? Can she truly make a home for herself and Mia? NEW BEGINNINGS is a very emotional read, one that is heartwarming as well as heart wrenching. It gives you hope in the act of human kindness and that good things do happen to good people. I highly recommend this book.

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Oh – and I did get some money to spend on books as well. PLEASE, do leave a link to your latest book release or your favourite book in the comments. I’d appreciate it ☺