
#MFRWHooks “I’m a very attractive man.” #love #books #mustread #Sportsromance


Hi everyone –

I’m continuing with another teaser from Book 3 in the Australian Sports Romance Series – Entangled Moments. Enjoy ♥♥

This week’s Hook …

She leaned her head against his hard chest, all sorts of thoughts racing through her mind, which was still not working one hundred percent because of all the pain relievers. Of course, she knew it was better that way, but sometimes better wasn’t necessarily human. She sagged into herself, and as she weighed the pros and cons for one last time, she admitted, “I know. But why the hell am I so damn attracted to you today?”

He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “’Because I’m a very attractive man.”

To hell with his humour. She was too exhausted to cope with it, still hungover, and emotionally all over the place. Had she really made a move on her best friend? And had she done it only twenty-four hours after finding Timmy in bed with someone else? Brushing all her thoughts aside, she met Markus’ gaze dead on. “And completely full of yourself.”


Markus and Sarah’s lives couldn’t be more different…

After three years away as a goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus DeLeon is happy to be back in Melbourne, back with his family and friends, including Sarah. He has known her since childhood, and has often provided her with a safe place from the teasing of other children and the troubles of a broken home. Yet, events after attending their friends’ wedding set off a shift in their relationship and questions, which neither Markus nor Sarah know how to approach.

Sarah Winter caught her boyfriend cheating on her, and not for the first time Markus offers her a much-needed shoulder to cry on. This time, however, an attraction between them intensifies, ending in a passionate afternoon, and Markus doesn’t know how to handle this new side of their friendship and flees to the coast. Sarah, unsure as well about the recent events, is surprised by his sudden departure, but is soon sidetracked by misunderstandings and a family emergency.

But sometimes risking what you have means you might lose everything…

#SnippetSunday #WeWriWa “His image kept coming back” #loveanddreams #amreading #bookseries #AlintaBay 

Hi everyone ♥

Here’s another snippet from ALINTA BAY where it all began – DEFYING RULES,  Logan’s story. All books in the series are available on KU. Book #1 is only 99c ♥

This is still from Addison’s POV.


Today’s Snippet

She wasn’t able to recall where the mother had been, but yes, she remembered the dad vividly. Of course, she remembered him. His image kept coming back to her — his tousled short dark hair, the intense blue eyes, and a toned physique that she’d been able to see his muscles moving under his shirt. Or his long legs, which moved so effortlessly with leisurely grace.

Good Lord, those legs.

But she wasn’t able to remember his name.

And, with a sigh of disappointment, she remembered he hadn’t offered any help.

Harry waved a hand in front of her face. “Earth to Addy. Are you all right?”

The sound of the sea caught her attention and she watched the subtle movement of the water. Yes, she was all right, and she knew this was going to be a great year.

“Dad, I’m not sure how to explain this, but I think I just had one of those moments of contentment. I have a feeling Alinta Bay will be good for me.”


Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…

Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.

It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.

Get your copy of “THEIR BOND THROUGH JADE” here ♥


#MFRWHooks “Sweet pea, don’t be like that.” #love #books #mustread #Sportsromance


Hi everyone –

I’m continuing with another teaser from Book 3 in the Australian Sports Romance Series – Entangled Moments. Enjoy ♥♥

This week’s Hook …

“I’d rather have a hot chocolate. I’m sure the chance of getting an orgasm from inhaling it is higher than spending a few minutes with you,” she finally said as she stormed down the hall towards the kitchen, her headache thumping in behind her eyes again.

The echo of his heavy footsteps told her he was following her. Now she wasn’t so sure at all anymore whether she wanted him to. He’d killed her mood. Or had her common sense returned? She needed a drink.

“Sweet pea, don’t be like that.”

She shuddered. “Don’t call me that. That’s Oliver’s jargon when he hits on a girl.”




“You had your chance.”

With a chuckle, he placed an arm around her shoulder and dropped a kiss just above her ear. “Trust me, it’s better this way. We’re risking a perfect friendship.”


Markus and Sarah’s lives couldn’t be more different…

After three years away as a goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus DeLeon is happy to be back in Melbourne, back with his family and friends, including Sarah. He has known her since childhood, and has often provided her with a safe place from the teasing of other children and the troubles of a broken home. Yet, events after attending their friends’ wedding set off a shift in their relationship and questions, which neither Markus nor Sarah know how to approach.

Sarah Winter caught her boyfriend cheating on her, and not for the first time Markus offers her a much-needed shoulder to cry on. This time, however, an attraction between them intensifies, ending in a passionate afternoon, and Markus doesn’t know how to handle this new side of their friendship and flees to the coast. Sarah, unsure as well about the recent events, is surprised by his sudden departure, but is soon sidetracked by misunderstandings and a family emergency.

But sometimes risking what you have means you might lose everything…

#SnippetSunday #WeWriWa “Have you met anybody, yet?” #books #amreading #bookseries #AlintaBay 

Hi everyone ♥

Here’s another snippet from ALINTA BAY where it all began – DEFYING RULES,  Logan’s story. All books in the series are available on KU. Book #1 is only 99c ♥

This is still from Addison’s POV.


Today’s Snippet

Her mother, Ana, gently rested her hand on Addison’s arm. “Oh, Addy darling. Not to forget, you also have inherited your father’s pigheadedness.”

The room filled with their laughter.

“How about I prepare some lunch before we start emptying the boxes? I can unpack some of your utensils while in the kitchen,” her mother suggested.

Addy placed a kiss on her mother’s cheek. “That’d be lovely. Thank you.”


Ana stepped over a few of the boxes and around some of the furniture. Addison watched as her mother gave her husband a quick smile before she left the room. Addy met her father’s eyes for a brief moment, her unspoken appreciation of her parents’ help as well as their love accepted with a wink.

Little by little, she unpacked the smaller boxes, while her father started moving bigger items like furniture.

A thrill of excitement ran through her as the house was filled with her belongings, making it hers. She’d collected some durable, good quality second hand furnishings. The Melbourne apartment she’d lived in had been in a beautiful location, but it’d been small but all she’d been able to afford in the metropolitan city.

The school she had worked for the previous two years hadn’t been able to renew her contract, so she’d decided to try a sea change. The contract at Alinta Bay Primary School was for twelve months only, but the Principal was confident, if she performed well, that it could turn into an ongoing position.

He’d given her a week to make a decision, but one weekend in Alinta Bay and she’d already made up her mind. She had loved the place.

It was her mother this time who brought her back to the present. “Lunch is ready, Addy. Want me to set something up on the veranda?”

“That’d be perfect, Mum. Thank you so much.”

Moments later, Addison sat on the small patio at the back of her house with her parents having their lunch, and everyone enjoying the view. The day she’d inspected the house with her parents for the first time, was the day she’d known better things lay ahead of her.

“I can see your mother coming for a visit more often than you might like.”

Addison let out a little laugh.

Her mother wagged her hand at her husband with a grin. “Oh, Harry. Don’t be like that. I love the sea and you know that. But I know not to overdo it with my visits.”

“That’s okay, Mum. You’re more than welcome here. I suppose it’ll be nice to have you come around once in a while.”

“Have you met anybody, yet, darling?” her mother wanted to know.

She nodded. “Yes. Don’t you remember I told you about the Christmas Carols a few weeks back? I was introduced to the other staff and some children. The teachers were lovely and very welcoming. I was also introduced to my class.”

“Oh, how wonderful,” her mother cooed.

“The few children I met seemed very well behaved and very nice. I even had the chance to talk to some of the parents. A few of them offered to help me move.” She smiled as she remembered the various offers. It was a bit like one of those perfect movies of the perfect town — she always tried to find a catch to these generous offers, but people in Alinta Bay seemed genuinely nice.

Leaning back as she took a bite of her sandwich, she remembered one of the parents in particular.

A boy’s father.


Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…

Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.

It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.

Get your copy of “THEIR BOND THROUGH JADE” here ♥


#MFRWHooks “And wanted to be loved.” #love #books #mustread #Sportsromance


Hi everyone –

I’m continuing with another teaser from Book 3 in the Australian Sports Romance Series – Entangled Moments.
Enjoy ♥♥

This week’s Hook …

A slight sigh escaped her lips, frustration building inside her at his teasing. Tilting her head, she saw his eyes lit with mischief. “Just get on with it.”

Markus nipped her ear. “What if your mother finds out? She’ll send me to hell and back.”

Placing her hand on his hard chest, she pushed him away. “No wonder you haven’t been with a girl for a long time. Your foreplay sucks, Marky.”

His bark of laughter filled the room.

“You’re such an arse. Honestly.”

He shrugged. “Baby, I just want to make certain this is what you want.”

She studied him intently, still stunned by how sexy he looked.

Damn him.

They’d known each other for such a long time, and known each other well. Her lips curled when she remembered when their mouths connected for the first time. She’d thrown a bucket of beach sand at him. He hadn’t talked to her for days. Hadn’t even shared his mother’s homemade pizza with her.


Markus and Sarah’s lives couldn’t be more different…

After three years away as a goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus DeLeon is happy to be back in Melbourne, back with his family and friends, including Sarah. He has known her since childhood, and has often provided her with a safe place from the teasing of other children and the troubles of a broken home. Yet, events after attending their friends’ wedding set off a shift in their relationship and questions, which neither Markus nor Sarah know how to approach.

Sarah Winter caught her boyfriend cheating on her, and not for the first time Markus offers her a much-needed shoulder to cry on. This time, however, an attraction between them intensifies, ending in a passionate afternoon, and Markus doesn’t know how to handle this new side of their friendship and flees to the coast. Sarah, unsure as well about the recent events, is surprised by his sudden departure, but is soon sidetracked by misunderstandings and a family emergency.

But sometimes risking what you have means you might lose everything…

#SnippetSunday #WeWriWa “You’re like your mother.” #books #amreading #bookseries #AlintaBay 

Hi everyone ♥

Here’s another snippet from ALINTA BAY where it all began – DEFYING RULES,  Logan’s story. All books in the series are available on KU. Book #1 is only 99c ♥

I have moved forward into Addison’s POV, away from the heavy sadness of the first chapter.


Today’s Snippet

Sunlight poured in through the front windows, brightly illuminating the room. The bookshelf in the corner looked perfect, albeit empty. Again, her gaze moved across the room and down the hall. Her house was filled with boxes in every available spot. Random checks told her that all her belongings were accounted for. But how she had accumulated so much stuff over only a few years living away from her parents was beyond her.

Harry’s words pulled her back from her thoughts. “You’re like your mother. Nothing gets thrown away.”

Chocking back a small laugh, she met her father’s gaze as she placed her arm around her mother. “Apparently, I inherited your blue eyes, the unruly, stubborn black hair, my wit, and not to mention the freckles. About time I find a gene I have from Mum.”



Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…

Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.

It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.

Get your copy of “THEIR BOND THROUGH JADE” here ♥


#BookTour “She Brings Beauty to Me” by Karen Kay #SDBookTours #Giveaway

A woman deserted. A troubled warrior. A passion denied.

She Brings Beauty To Me
The Medicine Man Series
Book 4
by Karen Kay

Historical Native American Romance

A woman deserted. A troubled
warrior. A passion denied.

1855. When eighteen-year-old Czanna Fehér is forced to flee her home in Hungary, she journeys with her younger siblings and her father’s manservant to Montana in search of her cousin. Mourning for her recently deceased parents, she sings a prayer to the grand, Montana mountains. From the first moment Stands Strong hears Czanna singing, he is transfixed. When he meets her, he is captivated as much by her dark beauty as he is by her voice.
But, after the family’s hired guide steals their money and runs, her father’s servant leaves Czanna to go and serve justice to the man, leaving Czanna desolate and in charge. Being of the gentry class in Hungary, Czanna knows she and her siblings cannot survive in this land without help. When Stands Strong comes to her aid, she realizes she must trust this man.
Lakota born, though raised by the Blackfeet, Stands Strong descends from a long line of medicine men, but this legacy seems to have skipped over him. Accepting this, he has become an expert scout. But, when Czanna attempts to hire Stands Strong as their guide, offering him the “evil gold rock” as payment, he suggests marriage to him instead. Czanna refuses him, even though the flame of love is burning heatedly in her heart.
Can two people from incompatible cultures ever come together? Or are their star-guided paths meant only to briefly cross?
A sensuous romance that might cause a desire to go West in search of
love and adventure.


**Get it for Only .99cents July 2nd only!**

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series! **

Find them on Amazon!

Bestselling author of Native American Historical Romance, KAREN KAY is a multi-published author of romance and adventure in the Old West. She has been praised by reviewers and fans alike for bringing insights into the everyday life of the American Indian culture of the past.

As Reviewer, Suzanne Tucker, once wrote, “Ms. Kay never fails to capture the pride, the passion and the spirit of the American Indian…”

KAREN KAY’s great grandmother was Choctaw, and she is adopted Blackfeet. Ms. Kay is honored to be able to write about the rich culture of a people who gave this country so much.

With the power of romance, I hope to bring about an awareness of the American Indian’s concept of honor, and what it meant to live as free men and free women. There are some things that should never be forgotten.”

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