Spring Fling: Six Mini Chick Lit Tales #Australian #Romance by @CarlaCaruso79 @SarahBelle44



It’s a time of renewal and growth. A time to shake off the winter doldrums and let the sunshine in. A time to ditch the old and welcome thespring-fling-cover new. A time when things blossom and bloom — often when we least expect it.

Spring is also a time for awkward first dates, fun flirtation, bad breakups, sexy men, hilarious misunderstandings and the first flush of new love.

Fall in love this spring with six warm, funny and fabulous romantic short stories by some of Australia’s leading chick lit authors.

After all, everyone deserves a Spring Fling.

The six mini chick lit tales include:

* Social Bea by Carla Caruso 
* Blazing Hearts by Samantha Bond 
* Second Chances by Laura Greaves 
* Schrodinger’s Catfish by Sarah Belle 
* The Eternal Bloom by Vanessa Stubbs 
* The Spring Clean by Belinda Williams 

But wait! There’s more!  Spring Fling is one of four FREE anthologies by the ‘Seasoned with Romance’ girls. There’s also:

Winter Heat, Summer Daze and Autumn Leaves.

All anthologies are available FREE on
ITunes, Smashwords, and Amazon UK, US and AU.


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