#SnippetSunday “I wish I could just BE with him” #Romancebooks #love #diary

Happy Sunday
I’m returning to an old manuscript which I started years and years ago, but I put aside after my mum passed away as this is loosely based on her father’s story.
The story is about Sadie who’s found her mother’s diary, which will eventually take her on a journey to Germany.
This was the last snippet – Sadie is on the plane and the “human traffic” is people walking up and down the aisle.

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Today’s Snippet

After a while I just give up. The “human traffic” has stopped, but dinner (or is it lunch time?) is about to be served. I make an effort and re-read Grandma’s next diary entry. She must’ve had a bad day, because her handwriting wasn’t the best that day. I curse myself for not having listened to Mum better when she tried to teach me Fraktur, but in all fairness, how was I supposed to know that I’d need it one day. Back then, it felt like a dead language to me. Not language, but you know what I mean. Dead alphabet.
“I heard from Konrad again today. His letters are such a light in these miserable days nowadays. Me and the children stayed in the cellar most of the day because of the bomb attacks. He’s in Greece. I read the letter to the children as he described the scenery and the sea. The blue of the water must’ve taken his breath away. I wish I could be there with him. Still, I wish I could just BE with him. I miss him.”

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