#SnippetSunday “She needed to call the police.” #amwriting #BookSunday #mustread #Ghosts

Happy Sunday.
I’ve moved on to another WIP. It’s just an idea at the moment, so bear with me for the first few posts.
Enjoy ♥

Today’s Snippet

It was an image of the kitchen entrance, but no Bigalow.
Confused, she flicked back and forwards, but for the life of her she wasn’t able to find the photo she just took of him in front of the door.
She worked too much and was losing her marbles. But then again, everything had been weird about … Bigalow. What kind of name was that anyway?
She returned the phone back into the jeans pockets and carefully removed the biggest knife from the block before she edged to the door. A quick look into the hallway told her he wasn’t there. She pulled her brows together trying hard to recall whether she’d heard the front door. Or the back door for that matter. Had he left? A cold shiver crawled down her spine. Was he still in the house?
She needed to call the police.
Clearly that wasn’t an option. Hannah went to the lounge room and slouched onto the couch where she finally rubbed some tiredness with her free hand from her eyes. What was she going to say? A man who had just disappeared out of nowhere was potentially in her house. Yes, she did take a photo of him, but he wasn’t on it. It was as if he were a ghost.
Letting out a big sigh, she closed her eyes and had a little chuckle. She was so overworked she was seeing things.

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