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I return to my story I started a little while ago. Today’s snippet is back in Jesse’s POV.
Enjoy ♥
“Is this Ranger Jesse?”
The timid voice on the other end was familiar and Jesse rubbed his hand over his face. “Yes, it is,” he replied as calm as possible.
“It’s Zoe here. Mum asked me to apologise for calling so late.”
He took a deep breath, guilt rushing through him, but even more so, his curiosity was piqued. “Hi Zoe. That’s okay. I’m sorry the way I answered the call.”
“I wanted to ask whether you’d like to come for dinner tomorrow night.”
“Zoe, is your mum there?”
She was quiet for a beat before she responded, “Yes.”
He heard some muffled voices, but wasn’t able to decipher anything.
Sure, that her hesitation was equal to her daughter’s, he had to make sure he chose the right words. “Hi,” he replied. “Look, I’m on my way to Melbourne. My sister is in hospital and I need to find out more details. Can I take a raincheck on the dinner? I wasn’t sure how to explain that to Zoe. Harrison can give you some background tomorrow.”
“Is she all right?”
“A strained wrist. It’s a long story.”
“I’m sorry we bothered you with the invitation, it was—”
“No,” he interrupted. “No, please, you didn’t bother me at all. I actually feel bad that I brushed off Zoe like this.”
“I’ll explain it to her. She’ll understand. Is there anything we can do to help?”
How much he would’ve like to tell her to be by his side, which was unusual for him, because he preferred to keep these problems on a need to know basis. Again, he was taken aback at how much she drew him in.
Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday Facebook site for other writers.
A realistic conversation – adult talk!
Thank you! Glad you liked it.
I like the way he’s handling this situation…really enjoyed the snippet!
Thanks Veronica 🙂
If they aren’t careful, this could evolve into the end of their brief relationship, so it’ll be interesting to see how they salvage things.
Thanks, Ed. I think they’re on the right track 🙂
Intriguing snippet. I’m curious to know where this will lead them.
Thank you, Karen. Glad you liked it.