Hello and thanks for stopping by.
Thanks to everyone stopping by last week and a special thanks to those who left a comment. I really appreciate it.
Today’s snippet is in Jesse’s POV.
Enjoy ♥
He was about to thank her and disconnect the call, when she spoke, her voice filled with concern. “How is Dana?”
Closing his eyes, he leaned his forehead against the wall and drew in a strangled breath. How is Dana? It’d always been about Dana the last few years. Was she coping? Was she all right? Was she recovering well? How is Dana? He hadn’t hesitated looking after his sister when she’d had the stroke. With a lot of stamina and determination she’d worked on her speech and left arm / leg movement. And he’d been proud of her. It’d only been with a lot of reluctance that he’d let her move to Melbourne and share an apartment with Mario. They were great together and the more Jesse realised that the more he relaxed and went back to his own life.
He was about to finally reply when Lexie’s voice hauled him back to the now. “It seems like I should ask how are you?”
Dammit, she was reading him like an open book.
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I do appreciate each single one of them!
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She is what he needs. I’m enjoying the tale. 🙂
Thanks Karen. Pleased to hear you’re liking the story.
Yes, she asks the right question finally! I’m also enjoying this story and the characters really draw me in. Great snippet!
Really stoked you’re enjoying the snippets. Thanks Veronica 🙂
Good for her! They’ve both been damaged by previous relationships.
Yes, they have indeed. Thanks Aurora.
At least she caught on to who she should be concerned with. Good snippet, Iris. 🙂
Sometimes it takes us a little longer to catch up 😉 Thanks Siobhan.
Excellent! I suspect that anyone who’s been a caretaker for a loved one would recognize his unspoken feelings. I remember a conversation with Connie Willis, sci fi author, after a workshop. She was trying to reassure a wannabe author that writing was always harder for women because they had to take care of people. This was at a time that I was the primary caretaker for my two aged parents on top of being a husband and father of four children. I guess my face fell, because she came over for a long chat that led to a friendship with her and her daughter, Cordelia.
Thank you so much, Ed. I really appreciate and value your feedback.
Yes, when I was sick a few years back my husband struggled with being in the shadow. Unfortunately, it took me a while to catch up on it.