Happy Sunday. I’m continuing with my WIP, another Alinta Bay story.
Jonah and Maddie are still stuck in the lift.
Enjoy ♥
It took Jonah a moment to figure out what had happened. His legs had given way by the yank and he momentarily had lost his balance, he was now holding on for life on wooden railing. Maddie’s groans got his attention, and he instantly knelt in front of her when he saw her holding her hand against her forehead.
Carefully, he moved her hand aside. She was bleeding from a little cut. “Shit.”
“You’re not wrong,” she muttered.
He reached for his phone in his pocket and switched on the torch to check the wound.
“Hold this and point it towards your head.”
Without looking, she held up her other hand, and he placed the phone into her hand before positioning it to have the light on her forehead.
“If you keep saying this, I will divorce you.”
Unable to hold back his laugh, he replied, “I will keep that in mind.” He looked around. “Got a tissue or something?”
“Or something?”
“Maddie, you’re not making this easy. The quicker I can cover the wound, the quicker I can tell the technician what’s happened.”
She moved her head slightly, but stopped with a groan, and without any hesitation he pulled the edge of his shirt from his pants and ripped off a corner.
“My hero,” she said just above a whisper. He placed it on her forehead and was about to stand when he saw the colour drain from her face. She was about to faint.
Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday Facebook site for other writers.

I’m going to end up buying this one too…
Thank you 🙂 I like the word “too”, unfortunately, this one is still a WIP.
That’s okay, I will just read every snippet you have until it releases and then the precious will be mine.
Aww… thank you ♥
Either she faints at the sight of her own blood, or there’s more wrong with her than a little cut.
The bang on the head might have been more intense than the cut reflects. Thanks for stopping by Ed.
I love a touch of modern day chivalry! Good writing, Iris. 🙂
Thank you, Teresa 🙂
She’s lucky not to be in there alone. Glad he’s a quick thinker in an emergency…enjoyed the snippet!
Thank you Veronica.
I love how he comes to her rescue. Great snippet.
Thanks Karen 🙂
Like Ed, I’m guessing that she may have a head injury.
Thanks for visiting me at Naughty Netherworld Press!
Thank you … and you’re very welcome 🙂