Happy Sunday ♥
I hope you’re enjoying my latest WIP which is set near
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand.
Enjoy ♥

Her checks flushed, but she remained silent.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re here to see Toby?”
He tried to suppress the laugh, but failed.
“I can’t see anything funny in what I’ve said or in this case haven’t said.”
“May I ask the reason you want to see Toby?”
Lani stepped to the bed and reached for her bag. “I’d rather you don’t.”
“I have a spare ute you can use for the next few days so you’re not stuck up here. I’ll bring it by tomorrow.” He turned to leave but stopped. “And good luck with Toby. You’ll need it.”
Eyes wide, she asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
How was he supposed to answer? He didn’t know so he left the room without replying.
He blew out a breath and stopped at the touch of her hand on his arm.
“I was taught manners, but I’m dead on my feet. It’s been a long day and this…” She waved her hand a little. “…is not what I expected.” Removing her other hand from him, she continued. “Will you stay for breakfast tomorrow morning?”
Slowly raising his left brow, he replied, “Wasn’t part of the deal, but my curiosity is piqued.”
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You’ve laid out a whole mess of questions for readers to wonder about!
Thanks Ed. I hope that’s a good thing 😉
Good – she’s warming to him. She might need his help.
Yes she is, and yes she might. 🙂
A lot of mystery going on, which is a good thing! Enjoyed the snippet…
Thanks Veronica. Glad you’re still liking the story so far.
There is a lot of intrigue in this short snippet. I look forward to finding out more.
Thank you Karen 🙂
I went back and read last week’s to make sense of this one. 🙂 You have me hooked!
Yeah … so glad you liked both snippets 🙂