
The Decision’s made. The choice is simple. “The Decision” by L.K. Kuhl @lynettehoff1

The Decision
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
by L.K. Kuhl

The Decision is the second book in The Everlasting Trilogy

Tag Line: The Decision’s made. The choice is simple. Or is it?

The guests are invited. The cake is all set. In just a few short hours Sophia Bandell will be saying “I do” to a guy she isn’t sure she loves. But where does she go from here? She feels her life is headed in a downhill spiral. Her first and real true love, Tate Forester, is a ghost. But he’s the man she wants to be with…the one she can’t live without. Sophia is faced with the toughest decision of her life. Does she forgetthedecision200x300 about Tate and marry the egotistical lawyer, Aaron Stuart? Or does she take the plunge and join Tate to be with him for eternity?

Sometime through the night, Tate’s kisses woke me. They landed on my cheek like a soft sigh. He began on my cheek and traveled down my neck, resting delicately on my shoulder. But each one felt like he was snuffing out a candle flame. I knew that this would be the last time I’d ever feel him again. He was telling me goodbye in the gentlest way he knew.
I held in my sobs but couldn’t stop the silent tears from sliding down my cheeks. They spilled to my neck and pooled there in the deep, hollowed indent above my clavicle. Tate kissed them away, and wiped a wet strand of hair from my face.
“Don’t cry. I was hoping I could slip away without waking you. I need to go. Aaron will be home soon.”
My throat ached. I grimaced and tried to swallow aw
ay the soreness, but it had its claws dug in too deep. There was no way to release it, to ease this massive tumor that kept growing inside of me each time it was time to say goodbye.
“This is the end, isn’t it? Your kisses told me everything you can’t say. So do your eyes.”
“It has to be. It’s time.”

Buy Links:  Amazon ♠ Barnes & Noble ♠ Kobo ♠ iTunes ♠ SmashWords

Author Bio:
L.K. Kuhl is the author of the Young Adult Paranormal Romance Series, The Everlasting Trilogy. The Decision is book two of this trilogy. She has also penned Chasm, a Romantic Suspense novel. Chasm was released in May of 2016.LKKuhl
L.K. lives in Nebraska with her husband Gene of twenty-nine years, young son, Nathan, and Greg and Will, their furry dog kids. She has two older daughters, Morgan and Brittani and son-in-law, Trevor. L.K. has been writing for over twenty years. She first began writing children’s books and poetry, moved on to writing music, and is now writing Young Adult and Adult novels. She loves spending time with her family, vacationing, writing, reading, and taking long walks. It’s the characters who write their own stories in her novels, and she is just their messenger, sharing it with the world.

 Author Links:
Author Facebook Page:
Amazon Author Page:




♥ Blog Tour ♥ “Descendant” by @ReganUre @StarAnge13

  Title: Descendant
Series: The Archaic Series #3 Publication Date: October 14, 2016
Genre: YA Fantasy
Cover Design: Mayhem Cover Creations

She’d survived change. She’d survived heartbreak. Now she has to survive one more fight for survival.

Ava Delaney was normal once upon a time, but then she met a boy and she fell in love. Then she kept his secret and fell into his world. She became one of them. And now… now it’s time to face the evil that’s coming for her.

Twin brothers, one good and one evil, will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

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The Archaic Series #1
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The Archaic Series #2

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Regan is a South African who is married to an IT specialist. She is also mom to a daughter and son. She discovered the joy of writing at the tender age of twelve. Her first two novels were teen fiction romance. She then got sidetracked into the world of computer programming and travelled extensively visiting twenty-seven countries.

A few years ago after her son’s birth she stayed home and took another trip into the world of writing. After writing nine stories on a free writing website, winning an award and becoming a featured writer the next step was to publish her stories.

If she isn’t writing her next novel you will find her reading soppy romance novels, shopping like an adrenaline junkie or watching too much television.

#Writer or #Storyteller? @_Iris_B #Blog

I wrote this blog for my publisher a few years back, but thought it’s still applicable – so I thought I’d share. Comments appreciated 🙂

Writer or Storyteller?

“To be or not to be “ ….. Now I’m not here to tell you that there’s difference. Quite honestly, I wouldn’t dare. I’m not Wikipedia. But in my humble opinion, yes there is one. See, when people come up to me and ask whether I’m an writer I’m always tempted to tell them I’m a storyteller.

I’m not a writer. For the life of it, I cannot sit down and just write, may it be a story, blog or even a letter. I need the “right moment”typewriter, most of the time it’s the “right music” that makes me wonder off into a daydream – and bingo! I’ve thought about how the next scene for my story could be. I don’t plot, I don’t develop characters, I just write down my words. So, I’ve got the music, I’ve got my laptop and jot it down. Easy and straight forward. After a few months I’ve got a really nice story and I ask friends for their opinion – luckily they’ve always liked it so far. Now comes the part writers do from the very beginning: my story now needs to be polished with “show not tell”, with the right POV and to bring a “flow” into the sentences. Then you send it off to a pro Editor for more polishing.

Now for me a writer has learnt these talents (or they even come naturally to them) –  They can show the character’s heart is aching in a way that the reader is searching for their tissues to wipe a tear. They describe the scene so subtly you don’t notice the words, but you have the picture right in front of you. They have the hang of the POVs. They know where they want the story to go to and they know how to get there. Read a good book, not necessarily a bestseller, and concentrate on just those points and you see what I mean.

Writing a book is a craft and should honestly not be underestimated. I know I did!  So if you think you have a great story all your friends and critique partners loved, do yourself a favour and have it polished into that diamond that it deserves to be!



Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 23/10/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday




This story is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂



“After his girlfriend I’m the next most important person in Dylan’s life,” she said trying hard to match his humour. “And there’s never been a mention of a person named Mat. I’m pretty certain of that.”
“Damn the little bugger. Here I thought we were best buddies.” He paused for a moment then said, “Tell me, Tiffany, why were you so upset?”
“You tell me first how Dylan knows someone from New Zealand?”
He laughed again and it was one of those laughs that were contagious, but also one that told everyone this person loved to laugh. “You picked up on that, aye?”
“Educated guess.”
There was silence before he explained. “Dylan and I went to school together in Sydney and have stayed in contact since.”
She remembered that Dylan had grown up in Sydney, but had moved to Melbourne in his early teens because of his father’s job.
Mat’s voice brought her back from her thoughts and before she was able to reply, he said, “Darling, I love talking to you, but I’ve got to be somewhere in an hour. Can you promise me you’ll be okay?”

Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday  Facebook site for other writers.


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MS Kaye – “Awaken from Death”…Will they discover the truth of their ancient connection? @mskosciuszko

Awaken from Death
Born from Death book 2
by M.S. Kaye
Will they discover the truth of their ancient connection before it destroys them both?
Ilona continues to struggle with loss, as well as trying to find where she fits in with other people, if she ever really will. She starts taking dangerous risks.
Archer is desperate to protect Illona and discovers more about himself in the progress. When Ilona is in danger of being mauled by a dog, he desperately tries something that shouldn’t be possible. And yet he succeeds.
This is just the beginning of his discovery of who—what—he truly is.
Release date 10/15/16 from Inkspell Publishing.
Amazon   |   iTunes   |   Kobo
Add to your to your to-read on Goodreads.
Strong as Death, Born From Death book 1
Ilona discovers what it means to have a mother who is a modern woman and a father who is a 19th-century gentleman ghost.
After being hit by a car and taken to the hospital, Ilona starts to realize she’s different from other people, and that her mother has hidden the truth from her. She sneaks out of the hospital in order to discover the truth.
A mysterious boy named Archer guides her through Brooklyn and introduces her to Hendrick, the man who claims to be her father—though he died in 1890.
Ilona must discover not only what she must do to rid the city of Soll, a sadistic and powerful spirit, but also what it means to be half ghost. She proves what her mother told her—love is stronger than death.

Sneak Peek at Awaken from Death:

The blond boy didn’t walk up to a urinal or into one of the stalls, or even up to the mirror. He stood in the middle of the room.
Invisible, Lettie watched curiously.
Something moved backward away from him. Out of him.
She recognized Archer’s shiny black hair and strong frame even before she could see his face.
She gasped. But ghosts can’t inhabit people.
The blond boy shook his head and looked around. “Fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” Archer murmured so the boy wouldn’t hear.
Lettie stared at both of them.
The blond boy turned, leaned his hands on the counter, and looked at himself in the mirror…not the way people usually looked at themselves. It was more like he was trying to see something more than was in the reflection.
Archer watched him, as if waiting for him to see something.
Then Lettie understood. Archer hadn’t merely inhabited the boy—he’d possessed him. But there were only a couple ways that’d be possible—if he were half ghost, or if he…
A memory struck Lettie like a horse galloping across a battlefield. An ancient memory. Lettie had been around since the beginning of time on Earth, but most of those thousands of years she let slink around the crevices of her mind. It was mostly just walking the bridge with the newly deceased. There were a few memories, though, that burned into her every time she let herself pull them forward. And burned was precisely the right word.
She knew—or rather, remembered—why Archer would never leave Ilona.


Author Bio:

M.S. Kaye has several published books under her black belt. A transplant from Ohio, she resides with her husband Corey in Jacksonville, Florida, where she tries not to melt in the sun. Find suspense and the unusual at
To receive news on upcoming releases, sign up for email updates on her website.
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Spring Fling: Six Mini Chick Lit Tales #Australian #Romance by @CarlaCaruso79 @SarahBelle44



It’s a time of renewal and growth. A time to shake off the winter doldrums and let the sunshine in. A time to ditch the old and welcome thespring-fling-cover new. A time when things blossom and bloom — often when we least expect it.

Spring is also a time for awkward first dates, fun flirtation, bad breakups, sexy men, hilarious misunderstandings and the first flush of new love.

Fall in love this spring with six warm, funny and fabulous romantic short stories by some of Australia’s leading chick lit authors.

After all, everyone deserves a Spring Fling.

The six mini chick lit tales include:

* Social Bea by Carla Caruso 
* Blazing Hearts by Samantha Bond 
* Second Chances by Laura Greaves 
* Schrodinger’s Catfish by Sarah Belle 
* The Eternal Bloom by Vanessa Stubbs 
* The Spring Clean by Belinda Williams 

But wait! There’s more!  Spring Fling is one of four FREE anthologies by the ‘Seasoned with Romance’ girls. There’s also:

Winter Heat, Summer Daze and Autumn Leaves.

All anthologies are available FREE on
ITunes, Smashwords, and Amazon UK, US and AU.


“Tell us about your book” – Day #Books #MFRWOrg #amreading


Time to shine everyone

Back due to popular demand – Thanks everyone ♣

The blog is open today for everyone to post a purchase link to

a- the book you’re currently reading – or
b- the book you have just read – or
c- your favourite book – AND
d- your own book.

Please don’t go overboard with the invitation and keep the links to a maximum of four!

As for me:

I’m currently reading: The Quality of Silence by Rosamund Lupton 

My favourite book (still) is: Cecelia Ahern “If you could see me now”

My book NEW BEGINNINGS was released last week.

Everyone post away, so I can choose my next book:-)

Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 16/10/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday




This story is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂



“I hit the redial button,” he replied nonchalantly.
A smile twitched at Tiffany’s lips. He was clever. And he cared. “It’s Tiffany. My name is Tiffany.”
“Nice meeting you Tiffany, even though it’s over the phone. So, you’re sure you’re okay?”
Tiffany hesitated, but noticed how talking to him calmed her. “Who are you?”
“My name’s Mat, but I’ve already told you.”
There was no malice in his voice. She sat down on the couch, her body slowly relaxing. “Dylan never mentioned someone called Mat.”
He laughed. “You know all his secrets?”
“No, but considering I’m his best friend, I believe, he’d mentioned a friend staying with him.”
“Let me think, I can’t recall him mentioning your name, either.”
His voice had a teasing tone and Tiffany started to like him. It was exactly what she needed after opening the door to the police.

Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday  Facebook site for other writers.


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  Check out my books on Amazon

Poetry of Love: The Engagement Year by @NNP_W_Light #Poetry #NewRelease

 pol-official-twitter-banner Poetry of Love: The Engagement Year
N. N. Light

Book Blurb:
I had been searching for love my whole life. It took the opening up of the world via technology for me to find my soulmate. Once I laid eyes on her, at the arrivals gate, I knew I was never going to let her go. The following is a collection of poems I wrote to my angel, from our first meeting up until our wedding day. I was working crazy hours as a chef and I had apoetry-of-love-the-engagementyear-jpg-1 long commute. I chose my commuting time to pen her a poem each day. These poems speak of our life, our challenges and our growth together…in every aspect they speak of our love.

May this book give someone the courage to let their special someone know how much they care for them and how much they mean to them. Saying I love you is a gift you can give many times a day.

As My Beauty Sleeps

I love to lay and listen
As my beauty sleeps.

The sound of each breath
As my beauty sleeps.

I think how I will awaken her
As my beauty sleeps.

To kiss her softly
That is my plan
As my beauty sleeps.

My lips move close
But I just enjoy listening
As my beauty sleeps.

Buy Links:
Available at Amazon Worldwide or FREE on Kindle Unlimited:
Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Author Biography:

N. N. Light is the best-selling husband-wife writing team, commonly n-n-light-author-pic-social-media-1known as Mr. N and Mrs. N. Mrs. N. has been creating stories ever since she was little. Her grandfather remembers when she was two years old, she would stand at the top of the stairs and tell him a story filled with emotion (and in a language foreign to him) with her hands on her hips. Let’s just say she was a born storyteller.
They’re blissfully happy and love all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports, trains, history, cooking and baking. Their mantra is to spread the Light.
Most of the time you can find them on Twitter or getting new ideas on how to spread the Light on Pinterest. They’re a proud member of ASMSG, Independent Author Network and Marketing for Romance Writers.
In addition to being authors, they’re also book promoters/reviewers, social media marketers/influencers and the owners of N. N. Light Author Promotions. They both love books, have ever since they were young. Matching up books and readers is something that gives them great pleasure.

They’d love to connect with you either via email or via these various social media sites:
Amazon Author Page:
Independent Author Network: