#SnippetSunday “Just have a stinking headache.” #Romance #Sundayblog #mustread

Happy Sunday. I’m continuing with my WIP, another Alinta Bay story.
Jonah and Maddie are still stuck in the lift.
Enjoy ♥

“I need to get out of her.” <Maddie>
“Hey Jonah?”
He moved towards the dashboard. “Yes, mate?”
“They’ll open the second floor door, which should be just above you. There won’t be much room to get out, but enough. I’ve also arranged for some medics. It’s going to be noisy in a few minutes. Are you able to move to the far back of the lift?”
Jonah nodded, realising that the guy couldn’t see him and added, “Will do.”
Exhausted, he carefully shifted Maddie a little further to the back. It’d been an intense half an hour already and he’d only arrived last night. He sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer, secure, and, yes, giving him some comfort as well.
“It’s just a matter of minutes now,” he told her, hoping like hell it’d be true.
She placed her hand on his chest and he took it into his own. “I’m okay’ish,” she told him. “Just have a stinking headache.”
“Should I give you a kiss better? My mum always suggested that when I got hurt.”
Carefully and very slowly, she tilted her head towards him, meeting his gaze and something inside of him shifted. Something stirred.
“I’m usually not so straight forward, but then again, I haven’t ended up in a man’s arms within only forty-five minutes, but would you have … would you like … would you—”
“Take you for dinner?”

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