#SnippetSunday – “What if he was married?” – #romance #read #amwriting #mustread


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“This blood-pumping novel will keep the reader hooked until the very end.” –InD’tale Magazine

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I return to my story I started a few weeks back. This is Lexie’s POV again.

Enjoy ♥ 


Conscious of her frown, Lexie asked, “How do you know that?”
Her daughter’s look as she lifted one shoulder as if this was the most ridiculous question she’s ever heard. “He told me.”
“Of course, he did,” she muttered more to herself. Then added a bit louder, “Yes, we can get him coffee as well.”
Five minutes later, Lexie was under the shower, letting the water cascading down her body while she anticipated seeing Jesse again. She blew out a breath, annoyed at herself for giving him that kind of freedom in her head. No man had ever been allowed to do that and it bothered her. In fact, she was embarrassed. She didn’t even know him, apart from the few minutes in the bush, and the hour they’d spent at the shelter with him. What if he was married, or already in a relationship.
A pang of jealousy and sadness rushed through her as she turned off the water before stepping out of the shower. It didn’t take her long to dress and add a little makeup. The idea that Jesse could be married helped a lot.
“Mum, are you ready?”
“Yes, darling, I’m ready.”
They quickly slipped into their shoes before they closed the door behind them and walked to the bakery. Lexie not only enjoyed seeing her daughter so happy, but also the few minutes of bonding while eating their breakfast. Zoe was hardly able to sit still, though, and Lexie decided to have her coffee on the go as well. With a doughnut in one hand and the coffee in the other, her daughter marched towards the shelter and Lexie had difficulties keeping up with the girl. Five or ten minutes later, they entered through the door and rang the bell on the counter.

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