BUT THE HEART DOES was released in December. I hope you enjoyed the snippets I shared over the last few weeks.
Today I go back to where it all began – DEFYING RULES, Logan’s story.
All books in the series are available on KU. Book #1 is only 99c ♥
A smile tugged at Logan Hendrix’s lips when he saw his ten-year-old son Nicholas through the rear-view mirror in the back of the car. It must’ve been the most uncomfortable position, with his head leaning back against the booster seat, the neck bent into an awkward position. And yet, he envied Nick for his little snooze. It had been a bit of a rollercoaster twenty-four hours for them since receiving the bad news from home. Their drive into Hobart earlier in the morning as well as the almost one-hour-flight back to Melbourne had been draining on both — emotionally as well as physically.
They had spent ten days in Tasmania exploring the island in a motorhome. It’d been a great adventure, and Nick had loved the different scenery, the adventures, and even discovered his love for fishing.
Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…
Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.
It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.
I like this introduction to Logan. He seems like a great guy with a wonderful relationship with his son. Can’t wait for the complications to arise with the new teacher! Tweeted.
Thanks, Jenna. Yes, he truly is 😉