#SnippetSunday – “That’s great news.” – #romance #read #mustread #bookteaser

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Australia Day long weekend – HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY ♥♥

I’ve added another little snippet from my WIP, another Beauty Bay story.

Enjoy ♥

“It was hard on both on them. Jesse’s girl left him, because of the extra person in the house and his inability to be flexible, as in, going out on the drop of a hat, or going away for the weekend.”
Another long pause and Lexie was conscious of how much he struggled with the story.
“Dana’s been amazing. Working hard to get her strength back. She almost regained full movement in her arm and leg. Only her speech is still a bit off. Anyway,” he added as he blew out a breath. “A few months ago she met Mario. Stroke survivor as well, but I’d say fully recovered. They applied for a little unit in a carer’s facility and moved in a few weeks back.”
“That’s great news,” Lexie butted in before realising it.
“It is. They did well. Obviously, Jesse, the big brother is still a bit antsy about the arrangement. He just started to get used to it and now this.”
She raised her brows. “A strained wrist?”
He shook his head as he raked his hand through his hair.
“Remember, it’s none of my business. I’m still not sure why you’re telling me.”

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I do appreciate each single one of them!
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