Happy Sunday.
I’ve moved on to another WIP. It’s just an idea at the moment, so bear with me for the first few posts.
Enjoy ♥
Today’s Snippet
He choked back a chuckle. “You’ll find out once we get there.”
“But I will need—”
“You will need nothing but a bit of time”
She gave a snort. “Exactly what I don’t have.”
“Everyone has time. Not everyone knows how to use it properly, though,” he disagreed with her.
She stood and placed the empty coffee mug to the sink. “I need to do the groceries and the washing.”
He shook his head. “No you don’t”
Eyes wide, she placed her hands on her hips, irritation growing inside her. “I do. Otherwise I won’t have anything to eat—”
“I’d say that’s a bit exaggerated,” he replied as he got up from the chair and walked to the fridge, which he opened. “See it’s full.” Closing the fridge, he turned to her. “You’re confusing routine with need.”
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I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday Facebook site for other writers.

Even if her fridge is full, that doesn’t mean she wants to go with him.
Correct, the point he wanted to make, though, was she is stuck in a routine 😉
Good insight on his part! Can’t wait to learn more because I’m really enjoying the story…
I hate it when there is technically plenty of food but none of it is what I want. I would be irritated at a know-it-all ghost pointing that foible out to me! 😉
~Cie from Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost~
Thank you 🙂 The point here is to break the routine.
Maybe she just doesn’t want to go with him and was trying to be polite. 🙂 I’m curious to know where he wants to take her.
Oh, she doesn’t want to go, but every excuse she has gets thrown back at her 😉
I like his thought process. Obviously she may not want to go with him, but she hasn’t said that. She’s giving reasons she can’t which aren’t reasons rooted in an actual need.