
SnippetSunday #WeWriWa “Life is too short to be sad.” #books #mustread #bookseries #AlintaBay

Hi everyone ♥

Here’s another snippet from ALINTA BAY where it all began – DEFYING RULES,  Logan’s story. All books in the series are available on KU. Book #1 is only 99c ♥


Today’s Snippet

It tore Logan apart, the ache to see his son in so much pain, but still remembering his manners.

Raking a hand through his hair, Harrison knelt in front of him, his voice equally shaky. “Thanks, buddy. Your grandpa made me promise to tell you how much he loved you. He wants you not to be sad for too long, because he thinks life is too short to be sad. And even though you can’t see him, he’ll always be around.”

Nick threw his arms around Harrison and cried uncontrollably, taking a long moment to respond. “I promise.”

Harrison picked him up. “Let’s head inside.”

Logan took Kristen’s hand, and as they walked past Graham, she took her uncle’s hand — and linked together they walked into the house.

An eerie feeling overcame Logan once he was inside. Something within him expected his father to appear from the bedroom, or sit in the lounge room, or even offer him a coffee from the kitchen.

But it was quiet. There was only the noise of Harrison and Nick in front of him, and Kristen and Graham next to him.

Blinking a couple of times to hold back the tears, he squeezed Kristen’s hand a little for comfort.



Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…

Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.

It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.

Get your copy of “THEIR BOND THROUGH JADE” here ♥


MFRWHooks “His laugh sent a shiver down her spine.” #Australia #books #mustread #Sportsromance

Hi everyone –

I’m Ba-ack! We’ve just returned from a nice break in Europe, visiting my family and travelling Norway. Definitely have many new ideas for another book.

Today, I’m continuing with another teaser from Book 3 in the Australian Sports Romance Series – Entangled Moments.
Enjoy ♥♥

This week’s Hook …

 “Honey, you’d better go and have a dance with Tamara,” she whispered. “I know you two have issues, but try to put it aside. She looks lonely.”

He followed her gaze and said, “Hope you feel better soon.”

She nodded and then followed Markus towards the doors. Her eyes landed on his tuxedo again, the white shirt, and the dark grey tie. Damn, he was pure sexiness. His blond hair was cut short, the usual slight wave gone. Not something she’d approve of. She liked his hair longer. It gave him that mischievous look that she’d known since childhood. That same look in his blue eyes that had radiated trouble fifteen years ago, when he’d taken her hand and led her to the top of a diving board with the words Let’s go flying. Today, he’d even shaved for the occasion.

A warm tingle teased her in her stomach and between her legs, and she was unable to hold back a shiver, surprised at the intensity of his effect he had on her today.

“For crying out loud, Marky,” she mumbled, then added a lot louder, “Slow down a little. Not everyone is as fit as you are.”

His laugh sent a shiver down her spine.


Markus and Sarah’s lives couldn’t be more different…

After three years away as a goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus DeLeon is happy to be back in Melbourne, back with his family and friends, including Sarah. He has known her since childhood, and has often provided her with a safe place from the teasing of other children and the troubles of a broken home. Yet, events after attending their friends’ wedding set off a shift in their relationship and questions, which neither Markus nor Sarah know how to approach.

Sarah Winter caught her boyfriend cheating on her, and not for the first time Markus offers her a much-needed shoulder to cry on. This time, however, an attraction between them intensifies, ending in a passionate afternoon, and Markus doesn’t know how to handle this new side of their friendship and flees to the coast. Sarah, unsure as well about the recent events, is surprised by his sudden departure, but is soon sidetracked by misunderstandings and a family emergency.

But sometimes risking what you have means you might lose everything…

SnippetSunday #WeWriWa “How’s Mum?” #books #mustread #bookseries #AlintaBay

Hi everyone ♥

I’m Ba-ack! We’ve just returned from a nice break in Europe, visiting my family and travelling Norway. Definitely have many new ideas for another book.

But until then, here’s another snippet from ALINTA BAY where it all began – DEFYING RULES,  Logan’s story. All books in the series are available on KU. Book #1 is only 99c ♥


Today’s Snippet

He’d always been close to them, and Harrison was more like a brother to him and Kristen than a cousin.

“How are you holding up?” Graham’s voice was barely above a whisper.

With a lift of his shoulder, he let Logan know that he wasn’t sure, yet. It must’ve been hard for him losing his brother at such a young age.

“How’s Mum?”

“She’s inside having a nap. The doctor’s given her some medication. My mum’s gone to the shop to get some bread,” Harrison explained.

Logan walked over to Kristen, placed his arm around her shoulder, and brushed her forehead with a kiss.

“How are you, pumpkin?”

She moved around to look at him, and a heaviness settled on his chest, seeing the signs of her struggles. Her eyes reflected her pain for everyone to see. He wiped a tear from her red face, which was also blotchy and swollen. Harrison hadn’t exaggerated when he’d told him she took it hard. He understood her pain. It broke his heart; he knew what she was going through.

She shook her head but didn’t speak. He gave her a moment, knowing only a few, if any words could describe what she was feeling.

Nick, still in her embrace, sobbed against her chest. “Is he really dead?”

Kristen hugged him even tighter as more tears flowed down her face. “Yes, honey. I’m afraid he is.”

Harrison joined them. “How about we head inside?”

Nick moved out of Kristen’s embrace and looked at Harrison, trying hard to control his sobs. “Thank you for trying to help Grandpa when he had the heart attack.”


Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…

Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.

It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.

Get your copy of “THEIR BOND THROUGH JADE” here ♥

#MusicMonday “Woman in Love” by #BarbaraStreisand

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#MusicMonday “Mama” by #SpiceGirls #MothersDay

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#SnippetSunday #WeWriWa “He wasn’t alone in this.” #books #mustread #bookseries #AlintaBay

Read about ALINTA BAY where it all began –
DEFYING RULES,  Logan’s story.
All books in the series are available on KU. Book #1 is only 99c ♥


Today’s Snippet


“Yes, mate?”

“It’s going to be weird going home without Grandpa being there.”

Pain shot through Logan. “Yes, it will be.” Blinking away threatening tears as the scenery sped past, he was aware of the gravity of his words. “But remember, we talked about it. Grandpa’s in a good place. And we still have Nan. She needs us, right? Harrison’s parents are staying with her at the moment, too.”

When Nick didn’t reply, Logan checked the mirror again to find his son staring out the window, most likely contemplating his father’s reply.

Half an hour later, they stopped in front of his childhood home. Logan hadn’t even switched off the engine completely when he saw Kristen rushing from the house towards them. He heard Nick unbuckling and opening the car door just as quickly and within only a few seconds, his son was in his auntie’s embrace. Taking a deep breath, Logan gave his legs a little shake after the long drive and got out. Harrison and Graham had emerged from the house as well, and Logan walked towards them, his feet heavier with each step. His stomach clenched when he looked at his late father’s brother. Uncle Graham’s unusually pale skin emphasised the dark circles under his eyes even more. Logan’s heart broke for his uncle, knowing the pain he was going through. They embraced and patted each other gently on the back. He turned towards Harrison, his eyes filled with sadness, and Logan’s throat tightened at the emotions rushing through him. Appreciation filled him knowing that he wasn’t alone in this.



Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…

Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.

It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.

Get your copy of “THEIR BOND THROUGH JADE” here ♥

#MFRWHooks “What’s up?” #Australia #books #mustread #Sportsromance

Hi everyone –
I’m continuing with another teaser from Book 3 in the Australian Sports Romance Series – Entangled Moments.
Enjoy ♥♥

This week’s Hook …


“C’mon, princess. I’ll make you a hot chocolate as well.”

She stood and noticed Oliver on his way over. “Please don’t tell him,” she begged Markus.

“What’s up?” Oliver asked.

“Saz drowned her sorrow in some red last night after finding out Timmy cheated on her,” Markus explained.

She slapped him against his chest. “I asked you not to say anything.”

Markus cocked an eyebrow. “I thought you meant the chocolate.”

Oliver laughed, tugging Sarah into a hug. “I told you—”

“Don’t say it,” she mumbled against his chest.

“You should try—”

She placed a finger on his lips. “Just tell the happy couple congratulations, and I’ll catch up with them when they return from their honeymoon.”

“You really are out of it, sweet pea. They left about half an hour ago.”

Another sigh escaped her lips. “Even better. I don’t have to feel guilty for leaving the party early.”

Oliver placed a kiss on Sarah’s forehead.


Markus and Sarah’s lives couldn’t be more different…

After three years away as a goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus DeLeon is happy to be back in Melbourne, back with his family and friends, including Sarah. He has known her since childhood, and has often provided her with a safe place from the teasing of other children and the troubles of a broken home. Yet, events after attending their friends’ wedding set off a shift in their relationship and questions, which neither Markus nor Sarah know how to approach.

Sarah Winter caught her boyfriend cheating on her, and not for the first time Markus offers her a much-needed shoulder to cry on. This time, however, an attraction between them intensifies, ending in a passionate afternoon, and Markus doesn’t know how to handle this new side of their friendship and flees to the coast. Sarah, unsure as well about the recent events, is surprised by his sudden departure, but is soon sidetracked by misunderstandings and a family emergency.

But sometimes risking what you have means you might lose everything…