Happy Wednesday everyone.
This is my latest release
which is currently on pre-order with the release date on 17 March 2020.
I hope you’ll enjoy today’s “hook”.
Today’s Hook:
Driving along, Logan watched the stormy clouds and focussed back onto the road as they emerged from a tunnel of trees and crossed the wooden one-lane bridge over the river delta. To the left side of the overpass two black swans glided through the water towards a handful of ducks resting on a sandbank. He considered waking Nick but decided they could come back to check on the animals another day. Ahead of him and a little to the side low shrubs covered the ground in front of the forest, and he knew that around the corner he would have a stunning view across the ocean. Born and raised in Alinta Bay, he considered it the best place to live and an even better place to raise his son.
Logan loved the view and never got enough of it. He loved the contrast of the blue ocean meeting the luscious green of the forest. The long winding road through gigantic trees was leading right into Alinta Bay. Nick usually struggled with travel sickness coming down this route, it was probably a blessing that he was asleep.
Startled by the ringing of the phone, he checked the ID and his heart sank, not ready, yet, for the conversation he was about to have.
“Logan speaking.”

Sometimes one has to break rules in order to find happiness…
Widower Logan Hendrix is puzzled by the recent series of small crimes against his son’s new teacher. It’s a mystery to him, and he offers her his help. There’s an instant attraction, and Logan wants to take their parent/teacher relationship to a more personal level.
It doesn’t take Addison Ryker long to fall in love with Alinta Bay, the small town she’s moved to for her new teaching position at the local primary school. Her newfound haven is threatened, however, when her house is broken into and she is relying on the unbelievably stubborn but very sexy Logan for help. Although captivated by him, Addison worries her career could be compromised, because there are rules about dating a parent.

“This blood-pumping novel will keep the reader hooked until the very end.” InD’tale Magazine
“Do yourself a favor and grab a copy of this wonderful book and fall in love.” (5 star review)
Mat is a sexy, tattooed New Zealander with a strong sense of family and duty and Tiffany is a woman with a past that continues to haunt her. Can Mat help her overcome her demons and move on with the next phase of her life? Come for the romance and stay for the breathtaking scenery. (5 star review)

4 stars – NEW BEGINNINGS is a very emotional read, one that is heartwarming as well as heart wrenching. It gives you hope in the act of human kindness and that good things do happen to good people. I highly recommend this book.
Needless to say, you’ve got me wondering what why he isn’t ready for the conversation and what news he’s about to receive.
Thanks Ed. You will find out with the next snippet 😉
Intriguing opening.
Thank you, Jan 🙂
I love the vivid description at the beginning.
Thank you, Kate. Glad you liked it 🙂
Lovely description makes me want to visit that place.
Thank you. Glad you do 🙂
Lovely excerpt. Lots of description. A place I’d love to visit. Now who is on the phone? Thanks for sharing!
Thank you. The place is based on a little down here at the Victorian coast. I’m glad you enjoyed the snippet.