♥ Happy Sunday and happy Father’s Day to Aussie Dads ♥
I hope you’re enjoying my latest WIP which is set near
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand.
Enjoy ♥
Her soft laugh was hardly a sound, but pure. Not only had she piqued his curiosity by wanting to see Toby but also she intrigued him as well. “I’ll be here at eight o’clock. Please lock the doors after me.”
Brows raised, she stared at him, but even though she hadn’t been rude and was perfectly safe here, he wanted to spike her curiosity as well.
Lani watched Dylan leave, still unsure about him. True, she had definitely been a reason for their awkward conversation, but not only was she tired, she hadn’t expected her current situation either. Situation as in being on her own in a decent sized house in the middle of nowhere New Zealand. Who could blame her for being somewhat out of sorts? She rubbed her face and let out a little scream before she headed to the front door to lock it. Who the hell was coming so far to steal something? Then again, who wouldn’t? No nosy neighbours to watch the house.
And she let out another scream cursing Dylan for putting the seed of worry into her head.
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I do appreciate each single one of them!
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Relax, Lani. He’s not the reason you’re in this ‘situation’.
No he isn’t, but he’s the one who planted the seed of worry in her head 😉
I don’t think that screaming is the answer!
Definitely not, but … it’s been a long day 🙂 Thanks Aurora.
Well her emotions are a bit over the top but then, nothing is going as she’d planned so…enjoyed the excerpt!
Thank you Veronica.
Screaming probably isn’t the answer but it probably feels good to release the tension. lol
Yup … screaming often helps 🙂 Thanks Karen.