♥ Happy Sunday ♥
I’m continuing with my latest WIP which is set near
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand. I’ve moved into Dylan’s POV this Sunday.
Enjoy ♥

Dylan pinched the bridge of his nose when he slid behind the wheel of his car. Still confused what had happened the previous twenty minutes. There was no doubt Lani Thompson was an interesting person. He rolled his eyes at himself. Interesting? How on earth was he able to make this judgement after only a few minutes of chaotic conversation where lots had been implied and little had been said? She was here to see Toby and that made her an interesting person. It was as simple as that.
He reached for his phone and saw he’d missed two calls from Teddy. Ignoring them for the moment, he blew out a breath. He’d failed as a bed and breakfast host. He wasn’t good at all this. He was supposed to have asked Lani to fill in the guest book and grab a copy of her driver’s licence. He’d been in a rush after struggling with the flat tyre and, yes, taken aback by his body’s reaction to her. He shook the thought out of his head. There was no reaction, but surprise. He’d been expecting a middle aged woman, although he had no idea why. Seeing Lani in front of him, probably early twenties, out of control red hair, and green eyes like he’d never seen before had completely thrown him.
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