♥ Happy Sunday ♥
I’m continuing with my latest WIP which is set near
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand.
Enjoy ♥

A stab of pain went through her. Her grandfather had always been her best friend, the person to go to when she was in trouble, when she had her heart broken or when she’d lost her job and had to move in with them because she was broke. And he’d been her rock when her mother had died in a plane crash six months ago. There was no way that she would’ve coped without him. He’d been there for her even though he was grieving the loss of his child.
“Tell grandpa I agree I don’t have to meet him.” She paused for a beat. “But I want to.”
“Darling, don’t take it to heart. He’s being replaced by—”
“No one could ever replace him,” Lani emphasised. “Grandpa is my one and only.”
Her grandmother let out a soft sigh, but didn’t reply.
Lani closed her eyes. “I’d better go and get a good sleep. It’s going to be a big couple of days.”
“Good luck with it all.”
“Thank you.”
She disconnected the call, checked her email, and switched off the phone. On second thought, she turned it on again and muted it.
Good luck. Her grandmother’s words popped into her mind. Dylan had said the same thing. Why? What was she missing? Was she heading head first into a wall? She shook the thought away. Everything was going to be fine, after all, he was her father.
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I do appreciate each single one of them!
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I still say she’s seems very naive BUT no doubt that’s an integral part of the plot going forward. It’ll be very interesting to see her meet her father! Enjoyed the sdnippet…
Thank you Veronica … glad you enjoyed the snippet. 🙂
I’m curious to know how meeting her father will go.
We should find out soon 🙂 Thanks Karen.
You added some nice elements of mystery here — questions that’ll make readers want to keep reading.
Thank you, Ed. I most certainly hope so. 🙂
Oh my, there’s a cliffhanger! Nicely done.
Thanks Cara 😀
Hum I’m trying to figure out what kind of relationship she has with her father. Is it that she never met him before or that he has been gone for a long time? I wonder what she wants with him and if he is going to be good enough for her expectation.
Thanks for stopping by, Linda.
She’s never met her father, so interesting times ahead 🙂
“Good luck” can have so many layers of meaning…
Indeed, and both “good lucks” were said from a different perspective 🙂 Thanks for stopping by PT.