#MFRWHook “Women want him and he wants them…” #WriterWednesday #MFRWAuthor #NewRelease


defining moments

by Iris Blobel

As soon as he got to the locker room, he peeled off his T-shirt. Instant pain shot through him as he lifted his right shoulder. He’d been ignoring the twinge during the training session, but he knew he had to have it checked out. The stupid skateboard rider had nearly run him over when he came out of nowhere the previous day. Oliver hadn’t had a chance to move out of the way fast enough and had slammed his shoulder into a post.

Slowly, he stripped out of his track pants and sat on the bench. He grabbed a can of cola out of his bag, chugging down half of the drink as he enjoyed the quietness around him. Everyone else was still out on the field, eager to please Coach Becker. Oliver choked back a laugh, hoping his mates would put Erik in a better mood than he had. The club had a few important games over the next few weeks before the season ended, and for the first time in years they were doing well. He stood and walked to the showers, replaying his training session in his head, unsure whether his shoulder was to blame for the bad hits, or his lack of training. But who was he kidding? He always liked to throw everything he had at people, yet on the flipside he was useless in receiving anything thrown at him. That didn’t just apply to his baseball game but also his life.


Women want him and he wants them…

Pitcher Oliver Dempsey loves playing baseball for a living, yet, when it comes to his private life, ‘love’ is not in his vocabulary. He likes to keep women at an arm’s length … until he meets Tamara. Unprepared for the attraction he feels towards her, he’s drawn in, even more when told by his coach that she’s off limits. And only Oliver can decide whether she’s worth fighting for.

Tamara Amis moved to Melbourne seeking distance from her past. With the help of her uncle, the coach of a baseball club, she quickly finds a job and a place to live. Yet, one meeting with the handsome pitcher Oliver stirs unexpected emotions that threaten to overwhelm her, despite her best efforts to resist falling for him.

It’s Oliver’s injury that brings them together, but as they find out about each other’s pasts, how can they be ready to share a future?

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#MFRWHook “Mysterious, maybe even guarded.” #WriterWednesday #MFRWAuthor #NewRelease


defining moments

by Iris Blobel

Erik did a slight step aside. “Oliver, this is my niece, Tamara. She’s moved here from Perth. Tamara, this is Oliver.”

Oliver extended his hand towards her. “Nice meeting you.”

Unexpected and, yes, a bit of a blow to his ego, she ignored his hand, taking a step back instead.

Surprised by her reaction, Oliver instinctively checked his hand for dirt or sweat, but with the lack of any, that couldn’t have been the reason for her reluctance. His coach’s check of the time told Oliver, that Erik was oblivious to the non-hand-shaking situation.

“Have your shower and see me before you head off to discuss your training schedule.”

Nodding his agreement, Oliver glanced at Tamara again and for a brief moment, their eyes met. The distant and empty expression in her gaze puzzled him. Mysterious, maybe even guarded. Why had she looked away so quickly? He got the impression, something was unsettling her considering that she stood behind his coach, arms wrapped around her waist in a protective gesture. The urge to ask her something, to get her involved in the conversation grew within him, but he had a blank so he simply left.


Women want him and he wants them…

Pitcher Oliver Dempsey loves playing baseball for a living, yet, when it comes to his private life, ‘love’ is not in his vocabulary. He likes to keep women at an arm’s length … until he meets Tamara. Unprepared for the attraction he feels towards her, he’s drawn in, even more when told by his coach that she’s off limits. And only Oliver can decide whether she’s worth fighting for.

Tamara Amis moved to Melbourne seeking distance from her past. With the help of her uncle, the coach of a baseball club, she quickly finds a job and a place to live. Yet, one meeting with the handsome pitcher Oliver stirs unexpected emotions that threaten to overwhelm her, despite her best efforts to resist falling for him.

It’s Oliver’s injury that brings them together, but as they find out about each other’s pasts, how can they be ready to share a future?

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#MFRWHook “It’s not going to happen.” #Novelines #MFRWAuthor #NewRelease


defining moments

by Iris Blobel

Oliver cursed through gritted teeth, irritation rising within him. “It’s not going to happen. My shoulder’s killing me. It’s been a long day.”

Coach Erik Becker rubbed his face.

“It’s not going to happen today,” Oliver persisted.

“Right.” With a grimace on his face, his coach accepted Oliver’s decision. “Call it a day. But I want you on the field again in the morning.”

Oliver eased off his gloves and shoved them into his back pocket, before removing his helmet.

His coach gave him a gentle slap on his back. “I need you to concentrate more tomorrow. Remember what I told you. You need to focus on your proper stance as well as swinging the bat. Keep your eye on the ball as it comes towards you. Try to connect the bat with the ball, preferably at the fat of the bat. We have a game coming up soon.” He paused for a beat, then added, “Go and deal with the shoulder issue. Check in for a massage.”

Oliver wiped his forehead with his arm when he noticed a woman standing in the coach’s shadow. Raising a questioning brow, he nodded towards her as to ask who she was.


Women want him and he wants them…

Pitcher Oliver Dempsey loves playing baseball for a living, yet, when it comes to his private life, ‘love’ is not in his vocabulary. He likes to keep women at an arm’s length … until he meets Tamara. Unprepared for the attraction he feels towards her, he’s drawn in, even more when told by his coach that she’s off limits. And only Oliver can decide whether she’s worth fighting for.

Tamara Amis moved to Melbourne seeking distance from her past. With the help of her uncle, the coach of a baseball club, she quickly finds a job and a place to live. Yet, one meeting with the handsome pitcher Oliver stirs unexpected emotions that threaten to overwhelm her, despite her best efforts to resist falling for him.

It’s Oliver’s injury that brings them together, but as they find out about each other’s pasts, how can they be ready to share a future?

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#MFRWHook “I want to see more, and better.” #Bookclub #MFRWAuthor #NewRelease


defining moments

by Iris Blobel

Oliver Dempsey wiped away the trickling sweat on his face with a brush of his sleeve. The cool sweat on his back soaked his shirt, causing it to stick to his skin. He’d been on the field for a couple of hours now, frustration growing in him with each missed ball. Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward and rested his hands on his knees, his stare fixed to the ground. Damn it, he was a pitcher and not a hitter, well known for his fastballs and his perfect curveballs. As it was, he had only himself to blame by neglecting his hitting. Today, his swing was below average, and, unable to focus, he walked over to the bench where he spotted Coach Becker shaking his head towards him, pointing his finger towards the field.

“Head right back out, Oliver. You need to improve your hand-eye coordination. I want to see more, and better.”


Women want him and he wants them…

Pitcher Oliver Dempsey loves playing baseball for a living, yet, when it comes to his private life, ‘love’ is not in his vocabulary. He likes to keep women at an arm’s length … until he meets Tamara. Unprepared for the attraction he feels towards her, he’s drawn in, even more when told by his coach that she’s off limits. And only Oliver can decide whether she’s worth fighting for.

Tamara Amis moved to Melbourne seeking distance from her past. With the help of her uncle, the coach of a baseball club, she quickly finds a job and a place to live. Yet, one meeting with the handsome pitcher Oliver stirs unexpected emotions that threaten to overwhelm her, despite her best efforts to resist falling for him.

It’s Oliver’s injury that brings them together, but as they find out about each other’s pasts, how can they be ready to share a future?

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#MFRWHook “We’d watch the boys surf” #Bookclub #MFRWAuthor #reading

decisive moments

by Iris Blobel

Her mother turned Katie in her arms. “How about a little walk along the beach?”

“I’d like that.”

As they headed towards the dunes, her mum reminisced, “You two loved the beach. Some weekends, you’d sneak out of the house to come here in the early hours. I was always worried, but your dad would say—” She imitated her husband’s deep voice. “They’ll be all right. The girls have the sea in their blood.” And added with a soft laugh, “But I always saw that bit of relief on his face when you two returned. You can’t be too careful near the water.”

Katie joined her mother in her amusement. “We’d watch the boys surf.”

“I liked my idea of you two building little sandcastles better.”

Katie released a snort. “Mum, we were teenagers.”


Can their new love survive the return of his past?

With his first year as a pro footballer behind him, ruckman Tyson Gaspaldi meets Katie while on a holiday in a small coastal town. Everything about her intrigues him, and he wants nothing more than to spend some time with her. Once she finds out how he earns his money, though, she hesitates to take whatever it is between them any further.

Katie Cassidy is still overwhelmed by the recent loss of her sister, but a chance encounter with Tyson stirs emotions and a love for life inside her again. However, when Tyson’s ex-girlfriend blindsides both of them, all of Katie’s childhood demons return and she pushes him away.

Will they be able to deal with the ghosts of their pasts and move forward for a chance of a life together?

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#MFRWHook “I miss her so much, Mum.” #Bookclub #MFRWAuthor #OneClick

decisive moments

by Iris Blobel

Her mother placed her hand on Katie’s shoulder. “Caring for my little girl.”

She appreciated her mum’s words. “I needed a little time out, I suppose.”

“I had a feeling you’d be coming down to the beach.” Her mum dropped a kiss on Katie’s forehead.

Taking a deep breath, she leaned into her mother’s embrace, relishing the comfort. “I miss her so much, Mum.”

Her voice nearly broke, tears trickled down her face once more as her chest tightened. The grief inside ate at her, the pain, emotionally and physically, so hard to cope with, yet, for the first time since her sister’s death, an emotion other than mourning spread within her. Something different. Sadness had suffocated all other emotions for the last months, but today something different had surfaced. Still unsure whether it was good or whether she was even ready for it, she didn’t believe a timeline existed to grieve a person.

“We all miss her, darling, but she wouldn’t want us to stop living. Her life’s come to an end, and you will need to live your life with twice as much enthusiasm, with four eyes, with two hearts and—”

“Without her,” she finished her mother’s sentence.

Her mother gave a slow nod. “Have you been working this week?”

Katie pursed her lips before she answered. “Yes, I have, but I took today off. Only today.”

“You need to keep this job, love.” She inhaled deeply. “I know.”


Can their new love survive the return of his past?

With his first year as a pro footballer behind him, ruckman Tyson Gaspaldi meets Katie while on a holiday in a small coastal town. Everything about her intrigues him, and he wants nothing more than to spend some time with her. Once she finds out how he earns his money, though, she hesitates to take whatever it is between them any further.

Katie Cassidy is still overwhelmed by the recent loss of her sister, but a chance encounter with Tyson stirs emotions and a love for life inside her again. However, when Tyson’s ex-girlfriend blindsides both of them, all of Katie’s childhood demons return and she pushes him away.

Will they be able to deal with the ghosts of their pasts and move forward for a chance of a life together?

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#MFRWHook “She recalled those chocolate brown eyes.” #TBR #MFRWAuthor #OneClick

decisive moments

by Iris Blobel

Wiping the last tears from her face, she recalled those chocolate brown eyes beneath his thick lashes and the straight brow line. But it’d been his smile that’d been contagious. His teeth were even and white, in a nice contrast with his olive skin. Anticipation rushed through her as she contemplated returning the next day. In her mind, she imagined touching his body. He’d been so damn sexy in his wet suit, unzipped down to just below the navel, revealing a muscular chest and powerful shoulders. She’d certainly been attracted to his tall, athletic physique. And she liked the way his dark, damp hair had curled around his face. Katie walked towards her car across the street when her mother’s voice caught her attention.

“Here you are, love.”

Katie turned and smiled. “Mum? What are you doing here?”


Can their new love survive the return of his past?

With his first year as a pro footballer behind him, ruckman Tyson Gaspaldi meets Katie while on a holiday in a small coastal town. Everything about her intrigues him, and he wants nothing more than to spend some time with her. Once she finds out how he earns his money, though, she hesitates to take whatever it is between them any further.

Katie Cassidy is still overwhelmed by the recent loss of her sister, but a chance encounter with Tyson stirs emotions and a love for life inside her again. However, when Tyson’s ex-girlfriend blindsides both of them, all of Katie’s childhood demons return and she pushes him away.

Will they be able to deal with the ghosts of their pasts and move forward for a chance of a life together?

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#MFRWHook “A sense of delight spread within her.” #sportsromance #MFRWAuthor #cozyread

decisive moments

by Iris Blobel

Katie Cassidy stared after Tyson. Her heart was still racing, screaming at her to follow him, find out more about him, enjoy his company a little longer. It’d been a short conversation, but, good grief, his smile had stirred her and had sent a rush of warmth through her. She shook her head at her body’s crazy reaction and with one final hiccupping sob, she picked up her jacket from the sand and walked across the dunes towards the parking lot. For the first time since Paige’s death, a sense of delight spread within her. It had only been a couple of minutes that she’d talked to Tyson, a stranger, but she liked him. She liked how he’d cared enough to stop and check on her. And with some surprise she admitted to herself how attracted she’d been to him.


Can their new love survive the return of his past?

With his first year as a pro footballer behind him, ruckman Tyson Gaspaldi meets Katie while on a holiday in a small coastal town. Everything about her intrigues him, and he wants nothing more than to spend some time with her. Once she finds out how he earns his money, though, she hesitates to take whatever it is between them any further.

Katie Cassidy is still overwhelmed by the recent loss of her sister, but a chance encounter with Tyson stirs emotions and a love for life inside her again. However, when Tyson’s ex-girlfriend blindsides both of them, all of Katie’s childhood demons return and she pushes him away.

Will they be able to deal with the ghosts of their pasts and move forward for a chance of a life together?

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#MFRWHook “An air of mystery had surrounded her…” #sportsromance #MFRWAuthor #TBR

decisive moments

by Iris Blobel

Ty rolled his eyes. His friends and football mates had teased him that at the age of twenty-eight, he still took his parents on holidays, but Ty couldn’t care less. His father’s health was crucial to him, and with the football pre-season not starting for a little while longer, he relished his time out of the spotlight. It’d been his first year as a pro footballer in the Australian Football League with a Melbourne club, and out of the twenty-two home and away games, he’d been on the field during most of the meets. His centre position as ruckman had given him plenty of opportunities to be part of the game— except when Toby McIntosh had knocked him out, giving him a nice concussion for two weeks.

Initially hesitating, he finally replied, Great surf. Great weather. Possibly great woman.

He might not see Katie again, but he’d be here for a few more days and was hopeful to cross paths with her again in this small town. An air of mystery had surrounded her, and he was eager to find out more. And with a grin he wasn’t able to wipe off his face, he returned to the rental house.

♥ ♥ ♥


Can their new love survive the return of his past?

With his first year as a pro footballer behind him, ruckman Tyson Gaspaldi meets Katie while on a holiday in a small coastal town. Everything about her intrigues him, and he wants nothing more than to spend some time with her. Once she finds out how he earns his money, though, she hesitates to take whatever it is between them any further.

Katie Cassidy is still overwhelmed by the recent loss of her sister, but a chance encounter with Tyson stirs emotions and a love for life inside her again. However, when Tyson’s ex-girlfriend blindsides both of them, all of Katie’s childhood demons return and she pushes him away.

Will they be able to deal with the ghosts of their pasts and move forward for a chance of a life together?

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#MFRWHook “Tyson liked it here.” #NewRelease #MFRWAuthor #Whattoread

decisive moments

by Iris Blobel

It’d been his mother’s idea to accompany her and his father to this beautiful place nestled in a small cove along the New South Wales coast. His dad had suffered a heart attack only a few weeks earlier, and he needed some time to rest, relax, and recover. It was the perfect spot and with the football season finished for the year, it was also perfect timing. Tyson liked it here. They had discovered their surrounds the previous day during a short walk. The main streets were close to the boat jetties and along the river. The surf beach, the most appealing part of town to him, was across the bridge, past the oyster farms, and on the other side of the peninsula.

Still with a smile on his face, he pushed the car keys and opened the boot to pack his surfboard inside when his phone buzzed. A message from his friend Oliver showed up on the display.

How’s the holiday with your mum and dad?


Can their new love survive the return of his past?

With his first year as a pro footballer behind him, ruckman Tyson Gaspaldi meets Katie while on a holiday in a small coastal town. Everything about her intrigues him, and he wants nothing more than to spend some time with her. Once she finds out how he earns his money, though, she hesitates to take whatever it is between them any further.

Katie Cassidy is still overwhelmed by the recent loss of her sister, but a chance encounter with Tyson stirs emotions and a love for life inside her again. However, when Tyson’s ex-girlfriend blindsides both of them, all of Katie’s childhood demons return and she pushes him away.

Will they be able to deal with the ghosts of their pasts and move forward for a chance of a life together?

(The story was previously published as LOVE WILL FIND YOU in 2014. This version has been significantly updated, retitled, and edited.)

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