Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 27/11/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday


Welcome back!
My apologies for the silence over the last few weeks, but life threw me a curve ball of the biggest proportions. We’re dealing with it as best as we can and are looking positively towards the future. I do hope I’ll be able to post every week as I undergo treatment for cancer, but apologise in advance if I won’t be able to read or comment on your wonderful stories. I’ve missed them so much over the last few weeks and can’t wait to stop by again.

Anyway …..


This is Tiffany’s story, who receives a call from the police one morning forcing her to deal with a chapter from her past, which she is unhappy to revisit. When she calls her friend Dylan, it’s Mat from New Zealand she ends up talking to.

This is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂



“Thanks Mat. Yes I’ll be fine.” It wasn’t a big lie, because at that moment she was feeling better.
She hung up and noticed a smile on her face. And instead of a churning stomach, butterflies had made themselves comfortable. She thought of how easy the conversation had flowed and how attentive he’d been. And his voice. She liked his voice. It’d been deep and calm, smooth and articulate. She closed her eyes and remembered his accent. It hadn’t been strong, but still obvious to her.
And then there’d been his laugh. God, his laugh. It had turned her inside out.
With a big exhale, she covered her face with her hands, surprised at herself that at a day she had to face the police, she was drooling over a man she’d never met, but only talked to.
For a few minutes, if at all.
The police. A ripple of worry went through her and she stood in search for her phone to give Dylan another call. This time on his mobile.

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Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 23/10/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday




This story is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂



“After his girlfriend I’m the next most important person in Dylan’s life,” she said trying hard to match his humour. “And there’s never been a mention of a person named Mat. I’m pretty certain of that.”
“Damn the little bugger. Here I thought we were best buddies.” He paused for a moment then said, “Tell me, Tiffany, why were you so upset?”
“You tell me first how Dylan knows someone from New Zealand?”
He laughed again and it was one of those laughs that were contagious, but also one that told everyone this person loved to laugh. “You picked up on that, aye?”
“Educated guess.”
There was silence before he explained. “Dylan and I went to school together in Sydney and have stayed in contact since.”
She remembered that Dylan had grown up in Sydney, but had moved to Melbourne in his early teens because of his father’s job.
Mat’s voice brought her back from her thoughts and before she was able to reply, he said, “Darling, I love talking to you, but I’ve got to be somewhere in an hour. Can you promise me you’ll be okay?”

Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
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Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 16/10/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday




This story is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂



“I hit the redial button,” he replied nonchalantly.
A smile twitched at Tiffany’s lips. He was clever. And he cared. “It’s Tiffany. My name is Tiffany.”
“Nice meeting you Tiffany, even though it’s over the phone. So, you’re sure you’re okay?”
Tiffany hesitated, but noticed how talking to him calmed her. “Who are you?”
“My name’s Mat, but I’ve already told you.”
There was no malice in his voice. She sat down on the couch, her body slowly relaxing. “Dylan never mentioned someone called Mat.”
He laughed. “You know all his secrets?”
“No, but considering I’m his best friend, I believe, he’d mentioned a friend staying with him.”
“Let me think, I can’t recall him mentioning your name, either.”
His voice had a teasing tone and Tiffany started to like him. It was exactly what she needed after opening the door to the police.

Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday  Facebook site for other writers.


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Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 09/10/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday



This story is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂



His question hauled her back to their conversation. “Are you okay?”
“Of course I am. Please let him know I called,” she snapped, still out of sorts, and hung up, never giving him a chance to reply.
Breathing in and out, she tried to calm herself down and ridding herself of the adrenaline that had shot through her, leaving her shaking all over. She took another deep breath before she walked to the kitchen to rinse her clammy hands and make a cup of tea. The sound of the phone made her jump, and she rushed back to grab it, nearly knocking over the vase with flowers, cursing the police all the way as well as Josh, the bastard who’d left her in hospital bruised and beaten up last year.
“It’s Mat. How about you tell me your name so I can ask Dylan to return your call?”
“How did you get my number?”

Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday  Facebook site for other writers.


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Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 02/10/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday



This story is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂



Tiffany wasn’t sure how long she sat there before she was finally able to get up and reach the phone in the kitchen. Dialling a familiar number, it didn’t take long for someone to answer.
Tiffany hesitated for a second then quickly hung up. Checking the numbers by pushing the redial button, she pressed connect when she was sure. With her heartbeat up a notch, she focussed this time.
“Hello?” the person answered, this time with more irritation in his voice.
Confused, she asked, “Can I talk to Dylan, please?”
“He’s not home.”
“Who… who are you?”
“My name is Mat. Can I leave him a message?”
Puzzled for a split second, she racked her brain to put one and one together. This guy definitely had a little Kiwi accent in his voice. But who the hell was he?

Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday  Facebook site for other writers.

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Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 11/09/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday


This story is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂


“We need to talk to you. I can assure you you’re not in trouble, but we need your help.” Then he squeezed the card into the small gap of the doorframe. “This is my number. Please call in when you have somebody with you, and we can have a talk.”
She nodded, appreciating him leaving the card in the door and not asking her to open up.
“Will you be okay, Miss Brooks?” Jones asked again.
The simple answer was no, but again, she nodded, hoping for this nightmare to end soon.
Senior Constable Jones and Sergeant Harris left, and Tiffany watched them drive off in their car. Only then did she close the door, leaned against it, and slid down, not able to hold back the flood of tears and the uncontrollable sobs that shook her body.

Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday  Facebook site for other writers.

  Check out my books on Amazon

Snippet Sunday – FLY WITH ME – 04/09/2016 #romance #love #SnippetSunday


This story is still a WIP, so critique away. It’s set partly in Melbourne, Australia, and in New Zealand.

Thanks … and enjoy 🙂


“Anybody you can call?”
His voice was soothing, and when Tiffany met his eyes through the screen door, she noticed something in his eyes which conveyed trust. There was a need inside her to trust him. So much, but every fibre in her told her to not open the door. Never again would she let the police take her to the station and treat her like a criminal.
She bit her lip again, desperately trying to figure out whom to call, when she said, “My brother.”
Harris nodded. “Thomas Terrill was charged with possession of drugs last year. You are noted as a witness.” He paused, checked his little notepad, and continued. “He’s also known as Josh Ford.”
Leaning her head against the door, Tiffany took a deep breath to steady herself.
“Are you okay, Miss Brooks?” Harris asked.
“Please open the door,” Jones requested.
Holding up her hand, she replied, “I haven’t seen him since then. I have nothing to do with whatever trouble he’s in.” Tears started to trickle down her cheeks, and she took another two deep breaths before standing straight to meet Harris’ gaze. He searched her eyes before he assented with a nod and held up a business card.


Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
And check out Snippet Sunday  Facebook site for other writers.

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Love is a mystery… an indecipherable mystery “Take Back the Memory” by Augustine Sam @austin_sam001


Take Back the Memory
by Augustine Sam

Genre:  Contemporary women’s fiction

Tagline:  Love is a mystery… an indecipherable mystery.

ASIN / ISBN: B00OCBWC8G / 978-1612359861

Excerpt link  ** Book trailer link

Book Blurb:

What would you do if you found out the man you married was not who you thought he was? What would you do if you discovered that you’ve had the one thing you’d yearned for all your life without realizing it?TakeBacktheMemory

Now, imagine a woman lured into a compelling backward journey through her own life on a psychotherapist’s couch, and confronted with this stark reality. Imagine a woman conned by fate and transformed from psychiatrist to patient because she dared to believe in love. Imagine skeletons from her past pulling her into the vortex of darkness from which she thought she had escaped.

Paige Lyman is that woman, now plagued by damning memories that she must decipher in order to be free…

About the Author:

Augustine Sam is a bilingual journalist and an award-winning poet. A member of the U.K. Chartered Institute of Journalists, he was formerly Special Desk editor at THISDAY newspapers, an authoritative Third World daily first published with the Financial Times of London. He later became
correspondent for central Europe. His poems have been published in two international anthologies: The Sounds of Silence & Measures of the Heart. One of his poems, Anguish & Passion, was the winner of the Editors’ Choice Awards in the North America Open Poetry contest, USA.

Augustine’s debut novel, Take Back the Memory, won a Readers’ favorite 5-star seal. And his poetry collection, Flashes of Emotion, was the 2015 International Book Awards Finalist.

Book links:  ** Amazon ** Barnes & Noble ** Melange Books **

Author on social media:

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