#SnippetSunday “I swear I don’t always sound like this.” #readasample #readers #readingcommunity

Happy Sunday
I’ve returned to an old manuscript which I started years and years ago.
The story is about Sadie who’s found her mother’s diary, which will eventually take her on a journey to Germany.
… she’s just landed in Singapore …


Today’s Snippet

I look straight into two gorgeous blue eyes and whisper, “Hi.”

It’s the guy from across the aisle. There’s no need for me to whisper. In fact, a louder than usual volume would’ve likely been more appropriate, but in all my shyness it’s all I can come up with.

“Glad I found you,” he admits.

I sense a smile tug on my lips. Yes, so am I, but all I can do is nod.

He holds out his right hand. “Mathias. I’m from Sydney.”

I notice how he says Maa-tee-aas and take his hand, which feels oddly soft and a bit cool. Mathias obviously has had the common sense to wash his hands after eight hours on the plane.

“Nice meeting you,” I croak and I sigh. “I swear I don’t always sound like this.”

Maa-tee-aas smiles and suddenly my stomach makes a big flip.

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#SnippetSunday “Actually, it’s a genuine smile.” #Romancebooks #love #freeread

Happy Sunday
I’ve returned to an old manuscript which I started years and years ago.
The story is about Sadie who’s found her mother’s diary, which will eventually take her on a journey to Germany.
… she’s just landed in Singapore …


Today’s Snippet

“I meet you outside,” the guy from across the aisle says and I try to make eye contact with him.

I just nod, not having enough energy to talk above all the noise. And I add a smile, too. Actually, it’s a genuine smile. I’d love to talk to someone and I’d really like to talk to this guy even more.

I step out of the plane and walk through an eerie tube-looking gate. Initially, I’m a bit overwhelmed by what’s in front of me and all I can think of is: this is Singapore. I take in the details as I follow the crowd, because I have no idea where I’m supposed to go. The travel agent told me to change planes over here, but I guess I should’ve listened more carefully.

It’s obvious to me from after just the few minutes that I’m in a different country and not only because of the language, which seems to be English most of the time, but the atmosphere. It’s different and foreign, and so beautiful with flowers everywhere and calming music. There’s a couch over near a little water fountain and I’m heading straight to it soaking in the hustle of the place.

I startle when I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Hi there.”

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#SnippetSunday “(I’m) Just not made for flying…” #Romancebooks #love #freeread

Happy Sunday
I’ve returned to an old manuscript which I started years and years ago, but I put aside after my mum passed away as this is loosely based on her father’s story.
The story is about Sadie who’s found her mother’s diary, which will eventually take her on a journey to Germany.

I hope you had a chance to buy (and hopefully read) my latest release ENTANGLED MOMENTS – book 3 in the Australian Sports Romance series . If you bought a copy – THANK YOU … if not, the book is still only 99c.


Today’s Snippet

The sound of the plane engine in the background and the soft noises around me make my reading redundant as my eyes grow heavy and I fall asleep.

The lady’s gentle touch on my arm wakes me and she informs me we’re about to land in Singapore. I thank her and look around taking in the commotion on the plane. It’s busier than the Vic Market in Melbourne. Honestly!

Anyway, I grab Grandma’s book and curse that I wasn’t careful enough and it slipped on the floor when I’d fallen asleep. But a good check-up tells me it’s still in good order. I carefully pack it in my bag and follow the flight assistant’s instructions. My ears give me a hint they don’t like it and the momentary discomfort distracts me from the bumpy landing and the nauseous feeling creeping up in my stomach.

“Honey, are you right?” the lady asks me.

I nod. “All good. Just not made for flying,” I joke. The next thirty minutes are like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It’s probably similar to a herd of cows moved from one paddock to the other. People are clutching to their belongings and pushing towards the door. I feel like telling them that there’s no fire or the last one doesn’t have to clean up, but I remain silent and seated. They’re probably all as tired and exhausted as I am. The sleep was too short and I just can’t shake off the lethargy out of my limbs.

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#SnippetSunday “I wish I could just BE with him” #Romancebooks #love #diary

Happy Sunday
I’m returning to an old manuscript which I started years and years ago, but I put aside after my mum passed away as this is loosely based on her father’s story.
The story is about Sadie who’s found her mother’s diary, which will eventually take her on a journey to Germany.
This was the last snippet – Sadie is on the plane and the “human traffic” is people walking up and down the aisle.

I hope you had a chance to buy (and hopefully read) my latest release ENTANGLED MOMENTS – book 3 in the Australian Sports Romance series . If you bought a copy – THANK YOU … if not, the book is still only 99c.


Today’s Snippet

After a while I just give up. The “human traffic” has stopped, but dinner (or is it lunch time?) is about to be served. I make an effort and re-read Grandma’s next diary entry. She must’ve had a bad day, because her handwriting wasn’t the best that day. I curse myself for not having listened to Mum better when she tried to teach me Fraktur, but in all fairness, how was I supposed to know that I’d need it one day. Back then, it felt like a dead language to me. Not language, but you know what I mean. Dead alphabet.
“I heard from Konrad again today. His letters are such a light in these miserable days nowadays. Me and the children stayed in the cellar most of the day because of the bomb attacks. He’s in Greece. I read the letter to the children as he described the scenery and the sea. The blue of the water must’ve taken his breath away. I wish I could be there with him. Still, I wish I could just BE with him. I miss him.”

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#SnippetSunday “You’re a liar?” #Read #TW4RW #BookAddict

Happy Sunday
I hope you’re still enjoying Piper and Jon’s story. Here’s another little teaser.


Today’s Snippet

A knife stuck in his chest couldn’t have been more painful than her words. He didn’t want to interpret her comment as a bad judgement on her father so he pushed it aside.

“I can’t really say I’ve never lied—”

She stopped so suddenly, the distance between them was so minimal he could’ve moved the tiniest bit to touch her lips with his.

“You’re a liar?” she asked a bit louder and in the silence the words thundered through the small room.

Where the hell … “No,” he emphasised. “I’m not lying now.” He paused and added just above a whisper. “It came out the wrong way. I wanted you to know that I wouldn’t lie about something like this.”

She gave him a small nod and let out a sigh. “Okay. I’m sorry. I’m a bit on edge.”

Was it really the thunderstorm that scared her?

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#SnippetSunday “And he lied.” #Read #TW4RW #Freeread

Happy Sunday
I hope you’re still enjoying Piper and Jon’s story. Here’s another little teaser.


Today’s Snippet

He turned and stared at the connecting door. Should he check on Piper?

“Are you okay?”

It was a stupid statement, but he didn’t know what else to say, because, good grief, she looked sexy in that short T-shirt and the skimpy shorts.

She nodded, but her pale face told him that she’d either just come out of a deep sleep or she was scared.

Another thunder broke the silence and Piper jerked. He reached for her arm to gently pull her in.

“Would you mind staying until this is over?” she murmured into his chest.

Jon moved his hand up to her shoulder, holding her a little tighter, and placed his lips to her forehead. “Let’s get you save.” With a soft nudge he moved her back into her room. “It’ll pass. It’s all bark and no bite.”

“My dad always said that. And he lied.”

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#SnippetSunday “No sound from across the hall.” #Bookish #Booknerd #booklover

Happy Sunday
I hope you’re still enjoying Piper and Jon’s story. Here’s another little teaser.


Today’s Snippet

He turned and stared at the connecting door. Should he check on Piper?

He dropped his gaze to the floor. He didn’t know her. Still, something inside urged him to make sure she was okay. The silence was only broken by the occasional rumble in the distance, which grew louder again, though.

He listened as he moved to the door. No sound from across the hall. What was he expecting though?


“Shit,” he muttered and rushed along the small passage.

He was about to knock when the door flew open and Piper stood in front of him, protecting her eyes with her hand from his torch light.

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#SnippetSunday “She knew him well.” #Bookish #TW4RW #Freeread

Happy Sunday
I hope you’re still enjoying Piper and Jon’s story. Here’s another little teaser.


Today’s Snippet

He picked up the phone again and dialled the familiar number. His mother answered the call almost immediately.

“Hi, Mum.”

“Hello darling. How are you?”

He leaned further into the uncomfortable couch and closed his eyes, enjoying the sound of his mother’s voice. It hadn’t been easy for his parents easy to hear about his sudden bad health, but what worried them more was that he’d packed up and drove off into the unknown.

“I’ve arrived in Victoria. There’s a small place along the Great Ocean Road. Cosy and nice.”

His mother giggled. “And I suppose you’ve been surfing there, too.”

She knew him well. The house he’d grown up in was on a property next to the beach. The surf was his second home. “I haven’t, yet, but I can’t wait. It’s one of the best locations for surfing.”


Jon jerked and his eyes flew wide open, only to stare into the darkness. There was more rumbling in the distance.

“Jonny, are you okay?”

“Mum, I call you back. I’m okay, but lightning has plunged us into darkness.” He chuckled. “It’s gonna be an interesting night.”

“You always had a knack for adventure. Stay safe, love.”

The idea that his mother thought of him as adventurous put a smile on his lips. Yes, he and his friends had always been out surfing and exploring. He couldn’t stand boring. He disconnected the call and turned on the torch, walking over to the window. The world was dark as abyss, until lightning brightened up the sky in the near distance. It was quite a spectacle, followed by more rumbling, fortunately a bit further away as well.

He turned and stared at the connecting door. Should he check on Piper?

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#SnippetSunday “What was her story?” #Bookish #TW4RW #booklover

Happy Sunday
I hope you’re still enjoying Piper and Jon’s story. Here’s another little teaser.


Today’s Snippet

Jon had no idea what made him invite Piper for breakfast. First of all, it wasn’t his favourite meal at the best of times, but more importantly, bacon and eggs were on his ‘no-no’ list of foods to eat since his heart attack. How he hated the word. But truth be told, he’d needed the wake-up call and life hadn’t been all that bad since. Yes, Paula had left him, but nowadays he was more certain each day that her leaving was a good thing, too. For him definitely. The doubts whether she’d loved him more for his money and social status than himself grew with each passing day.

His mind wandered back to Piper. What was her story? Why the tears? Would he find out? In a twisted sense, he was looking forward to having breakfast with her, even if it was just for having a conversation for longer than five minutes. He’d enjoyed his solitude over the last few months with only the occasional phone calls to family and friends, but Piper had stirred something in him making him crave for some company. Her company.

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#SnippetSunday “Hadn’t she learnt her lesson…” #Bookish #TW4RW #booklover

Happy Sunday
I hope you all had a chance to get a copy of my latest release
It’s only 99c ♥
Here’s another snippet from Piper and Jon’s story …


Today’s Snippet

“Get some rest and we’ll catch up tomorrow afternoon.”

Piper disconnected the call and looked towards the door. Why was she looking forward to the breakfast the next day? Hadn’t she learnt her lesson from her marriage with Darren, who so ungraciously left her, leaving her with nothing.

Letting out a soft sigh, she decided not to go to the breakfast. It was more important to focus on moving forward and not flirt with strange men … as nice as they might be.

The decision didn’t make her feel better, despite it being the right thing to do, and with her shoulders slouched, Piper went to the small bedroom, undressed, and returned to bed.

Jon’s image constantly on the forefront of her mind.


Can their new love survive the return of his past?

With his first year as a pro footballer behind him, ruckman Tyson Gaspaldi meets Katie while on a holiday in a small coastal town. Everything about her intrigues him, and he wants nothing more than to spend some time with her. Once she finds out how he earns his money, though, she hesitates to take whatever it is between them any further.

Katie Cassidy is still overwhelmed by the recent loss of her sister, but a chance encounter with Tyson stirs emotions and a love for life inside her again. However, when Tyson’s ex-girlfriend blindsides both of them, all of Katie’s childhood demons return and she pushes him away.

Will they be able to deal with the ghosts of their pasts and move forward for a chance of a life together?

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