#SnippetSunday – “She was constantly on the edge of his thoughts.” – #romance #readAustralian #bookteaser

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Thanks to everyone stopping by last week and a special thanks to those who left a comment. I really appreciate it.
Today’s snippet is in Jesse’s POV.

Enjoy ♥

Jesse glance at his sister who hadn’t spoken since they’d left the hospital an hour earlier. She hadn’t been impressed at all with the idea of leaving Mario behind, but he’d assured her that he was in good hands with his own family, but also with the staff who cared for him. And, despite having to re-arrange his work roster, he promised her to take her to visit Mario every second day. He had no idea how he was going to do that, but he’d been desperate to get her into the car.
Truth be told, he had no idea how he was going to cope with her back in his house. He’d called Dr Roberts to organise a visiting nurse, but that was only going to happen the next week. He rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes. Well and truly exhausted from the last thirty-six hours, he looked forward to sleeping in his own bed.
And catching up with Lexie.
He groaned knowing that with Dana back home he’d have next to no time at all to … he blinked a couple of times. What exactly did he have in mind? He hardly knew the woman.
And, yet, she was constantly on the edge of his thoughts.

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#SnippetSunday – “Was she hiding?” – #romance #readAustralian #bookteaser

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February has been busy at this end of the world. Apologies for not posting.
Anyway, this picks up from the previous snippet .

Enjoy ♥

“Good grief. Haven’t you heard I screwed up my marriage? I’m useless when it comes to socialising.”
“You’re too hard on yourself. A failed marriage doesn’t reflect one bit on your socialising. Just because you think you’re not perfect because of a small imperfection, you shouldn’t hide from life.”
She stared at him. “Is this turning into a counselling session?”
“Do you need one?”
Silence hung between them until Harrison stood. “My sister in law hid from life because of a scar on her face. I’m glad my brother and his mother were persistent, she could’ve missed out on so much.”
Without giving her a chance to reply, he left her office. Left her with a head full of thoughts to work through. Was she hiding? Was she convinced she was not perfect? She lifted her hands, looking at the scarred skin from her eczema and blew out a breath. No, he was wrong. She wasn’t hiding, but healing from a failed marriage and at the same time raising her daughter to the best of her ability.
And what the hell did it mean his brother’s mother?

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#SnippetSunday – “I’m useless when it comes to socialising.” – #romance #read #mustread #bookteaser

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I’m back!
I spent a wonderful birthday weekend at the beach last week, so today we pick up from two weeks ago – Lexie talking to Harrison about Jesse’s sister.

Enjoy ♥

“Dana was teased when they went to the beach yesterday. Mario obviously defended her and was beaten up. Dana ended up with a strained wrist from the fight, Mario is in an induced coma until the pressure on the brain is reduced.”
Lost for words, she stared at him.
“Jesse is in Melbourne trying to explain to his sister the ramification of that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he insists on her coming back to live with him until Mario is better.”
“So, he’s going to be okay?”
“His chances are very good.”
“And with all that to worry about he still sends you here, because he is concerned about a promised dinner?”
He nodded. “That’s our Jesse.”
Lexie contemplated the situation for a long beat, unsure how to respond. “Am I supposed to say now How can I help?
His mouth curved into a grin, but he remained silent.
No longer able to stay patient, Lexie stood and stepped around the desk. “I get this is Beauty Bay and things are done differently. I have noticed that already. So you play cupid for your friend because … because … or for God’s sake, Harrison. What do you want me to do with all this information?”
He gave her a wink. “You’re a highly intelligent person, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
Slouching her shoulders, she slumped on the visitors’ chair and damn if her voice was strangled with effort. “Good grief. Haven’t you heard I screwed up my marriage? I’m useless when it comes to socialising.”

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#SnippetSunday – “Heat rushed into her cheeks.” – #romance #read #mustread #bookteaser

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I’m back!
I spent a wonderful birthday weekend at the beach last week, so today we pick up from two weeks ago – Lexie talking to Harrison about Jesse’s sister.

Enjoy ♥

“Remember, it’s none of my business. I’m still not sure why you’re telling me.”
He choked back a chuckle. “Someone really did a number on you that you’re so weary of others.”
Leaning back in her chair she studied him. “I’m not sure how to take this.”
“He likes you, Lexie.”
Raising one brow, she replied, “We like him, too, but that’s no reason to tell me his private affairs.”
Another one of his chuckle. “He likes you.”
“So you keep saying.”
He stood and came closer. With his hands now on her desk, he studied her. “Lexie. He is very fond of you and would like to get to know you better, but his past is holding him back.”
Heat rushed into her cheeks. “Oh.”
She took a deep breath. “Well, next time you see him, please let him know that I’m a divorced, single mother, and my priorities lie with my daughter.”
Harrison gave a slow nod. “Indeed. And so it should be. Just…” He shrugged.
Leaning closer, she placed her arms on the desk. “So, back to the strained wrist.”
“Dana was teased when they went to the beach yesterday. Mario obviously defended her and was beaten up. Dana ended up with a strained wrist from the fight, Mario is in an induced coma until the pressure on the brain is reduced.”

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#SnippetSunday – “That’s great news.” – #romance #read #mustread #bookteaser

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Australia Day long weekend – HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY ♥♥

I’ve added another little snippet from my WIP, another Beauty Bay story.

Enjoy ♥

“It was hard on both on them. Jesse’s girl left him, because of the extra person in the house and his inability to be flexible, as in, going out on the drop of a hat, or going away for the weekend.”
Another long pause and Lexie was conscious of how much he struggled with the story.
“Dana’s been amazing. Working hard to get her strength back. She almost regained full movement in her arm and leg. Only her speech is still a bit off. Anyway,” he added as he blew out a breath. “A few months ago she met Mario. Stroke survivor as well, but I’d say fully recovered. They applied for a little unit in a carer’s facility and moved in a few weeks back.”
“That’s great news,” Lexie butted in before realising it.
“It is. They did well. Obviously, Jesse, the big brother is still a bit antsy about the arrangement. He just started to get used to it and now this.”
She raised her brows. “A strained wrist?”
He shook his head as he raked his hand through his hair.
“Remember, it’s none of my business. I’m still not sure why you’re telling me.”

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#SnippetSunday – “I don’t need to know.” – #romance #read #mustread #bookteaser

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I continue with my WIP, another Beauty Bay story.

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Harrison came closer and sat on the visitors’ sofa. “Jesse called me to bring you up-to-date with his situation.”
Heat crept up her cheeks. “I don’t need to know. It’s his business.” “Apparently Zoe invited him for dinner and he had to postpone it.”
“She understands. She—”
“Lexie,” he interrupted. “He likes Zoe and he likes you. To him it’s important that you know it’s not a casual no, but there’s a reason.”
“I know. His sister is in hospital in Melbourne.”
He exhaled a long breath. “Dana is about three years younger than Jesse. She was always into sport. Great athlete,” he explained. “About fifteen months ago she had a stroke. Out of the blue. With their parents already dead, Jesse was the only family she had and he didn’t hesitate to take her in. Initially, she was in hospital for a few weeks, but then he took on the full care with the help from a nurse.”
Harrison paused and met her gaze. Unsure how to process the information, she swallowed hard, but remained silent.

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#SnippetSunday – “Give me some good news.” – #romance #read #mustread #freeread

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I return to my story I started a little while ago. Today’s snippet is back in Jesse’s POV.

Enjoy ♥

And then she was gone. He heard a couple of excited words that sounded like pizza and this week, but he couldn’t figure it out. His mouth curved. He’d come to like the girl a lot within the short time. Not to mention that she’d given him an opportunity to see her mother again. Shaking his head, he reminded himself that he’d known them for less than forty-eight hours, but they were all he’d been thinking off.
Even now that he was supposed to worry about his sister.
He hit the redial button.
“Harrison. Give me some good news.”

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#SnippetSunday – “It’s nice to hear your voice…” – #romance #read #mustread #Bookish

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I return to my story I started a little while ago. Today’s snippet is back in Jesse’s POV.

Enjoy ♥

“I appreciate your offer,” he finally replied. “I’m not sure what to expect, though. I suppose if it’s just a strained wrist, it’ll be as easy as getting her settled back in her house.”
“Okay. I’d better let you go. Again, sorry—”
“Please, don’t apologise. It’s nice to hear your voice…” He stopped. Where the hell did that come from? “I mean…”
“You’re worried and needed a distraction. I understand. May I put Zoe on for a second or two again? She’d like to tell you something.”
Yet, before he was able to reply, he heard Lexie telling her daughter to keep it short because he was driving to see his sister and, again, the rest was muffled voices.
“I’m sorry about you sister, Ranger Jesse.” Zoe’s voice still quiet but had a little more confidence in it. “I found a name for the joey and was hoping you’d like it.”
“I’m sure I will.”
“Mum helped me finding it. Do you like Wulaba? It’s aboriginal for Kangaroo.”
Jesse’s knowledge in the aboriginal language was limited, but he remembered that kangaroo was a different word. But who was he to tell her that she might not have been a hundred percent. “I think it’s great. You’d better tell Julie tomorrow. Will you be there after school?”
“Good. Thank you so much for finding a name. That’s a great help.”
“Okay. Mum says I need to let you go. Will I see you the day after tomorrow?”
He wished he had the answer to the question. “I hope so. If not, you will see me one night for dinner, though. Will you cook for me?”
Her soft giggle reminded him of his sister. “I can’t cook.”
“I can bring pizza. Do you like pizza?”
“I love pizza.”
“Deal. I’ll give you a call when I get back.”

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#SnippetSunday – “Can I take a raincheck on the dinner?” – #romance #read #mustread #Freeread


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I return to my story I started a little while ago. Today’s snippet is back in Jesse’s POV.

Enjoy ♥


“Is this Ranger Jesse?”
The timid voice on the other end was familiar and Jesse rubbed his hand over his face. “Yes, it is,” he replied as calm as possible.
“It’s Zoe here. Mum asked me to apologise for calling so late.”
He took a deep breath, guilt rushing through him, but even more so, his curiosity was piqued.  “Hi Zoe. That’s okay. I’m sorry the way I answered the call.”
“I wanted to ask whether you’d like to come for dinner tomorrow night.”
“Zoe, is your mum there?”
She was quiet for a beat before she responded, “Yes.”
He heard some muffled voices, but wasn’t able to decipher anything.
Sure, that her hesitation was equal to her daughter’s, he had to make sure he chose the right words. “Hi,” he replied. “Look, I’m on my way to Melbourne. My sister is in hospital and I need to find out more details. Can I take a raincheck on the dinner? I wasn’t sure how to explain that to Zoe. Harrison can give you some background tomorrow.”
“Is she all right?”
“A strained wrist. It’s a long story.”
“I’m sorry we bothered you with the invitation, it was—”
“No,” he interrupted. “No, please, you didn’t bother me at all. I actually feel bad that I brushed off Zoe like this.”
“I’ll explain it to her. She’ll understand. Is there anything we can do to help?”
How much he would’ve like to tell her to be by his side, which was unusual for him, because he preferred to keep these problems on a need to know basis. Again, he was taken aback at how much she drew him in.


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#SnippetSunday – “His mind wouldn’t shut up.” – #romance #read #mustread #Freeread


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I return to my story I started a little while ago. Today’s snippet is back in Jesse’s POV.

Enjoy ♥


“What the hell,” he muttered. He should’ve taken a deep breath and think it through rationally, but he wasn’t able to. There was something she hadn’t told him. Anxious, he locked the house and headed to the car.
About five minutes later, he was on the road to Melbourne. Fortunately, the traffic was close to non-existent. He dialled Harrison’s number.
“Mate, what’s up?”
“I’m heading to Melbourne. Dana’s injured her wrist while walking on the beach. But there’s something else.”
Jesse told his friend about the conversation he’d had with his sister’s carer and Harrison was equally puzzled.
“Have you called the hospital directly?”
“I rushed out of the house too quickly and forgot to ask for the number.”
“Want me to check?”
“That’d be appreciated. And tell Julie and Chloe I won’t be in tomorrow. I will stay the night in Melbourne.”
“No worries, mate. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
He hung up and concentrated on the road, his mind going into overdrive about all the possible scenarios, but if something really had happened to his sister, he was convinced, Karen would’ve told him. Switching on the radio, he cranked up the music for some distraction. But it was useless. His mind wouldn’t shut up. Checking the time, he was surprised he hadn’t heard from Harrison, yet. Did he find out some more details?
When his phone finally buzzed, he swiped the green button and almost yelled, “About time.”
“Is this Ranger Jesse?”


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